Slotting Seeker Drones...




I have a question for /Traps players out there.

How do you slot your Seeker Drones?

I'm coming up on them fast with my Bots/Traps Mastermind, but still can't deide on how many slots to put into them, or what to slot them for. (Well, beyond Recharge.)

And, of course, the question of if it's worth trying to Frankenslot it or not...

Any recomendations?

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



5 at least

slot t hem with either the stupefy set or positrons blast. it matters little which

either set gives you 6.25% global recharge (stupefy is also substantially cheaper)

not really worth the frankenslotting. they are best used as a phantom-army clone alpha absorber or as a debuff to keep up on eb's/av's (mostly for the -dmg which you cant enhance)



5 Stupefy is handy for the recharge if you can spare the slots, but a recharge or two is fine on a tight build. They're mainly useful for taking alphas and debuffing AV damage, neither of which needs much of any slotting other than recharge.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I have mine with 3 recharge/1range/1acc. If you are tight on slots, the recharge is all that they really need. I put a range in to make it easier to summon them outside agro range, and I put an acc because it felt like they were missing a lot. I should see if I can cram a -to hit in there...



At the moment (still levelling) I just have a couple recharge in mine. Longer term plan is for 4 Dark Watcher - I opted for that over Stupefy as the set bonuses are almost as good (lose 0.38% hp, 1.25% recharge and the largely pointless 3% stun) but I get more recharge to the power itself, slightly lower endurance cost, and save a slot for use elsewhere.