How to Use the Finish Screen

Eva Destruction



I think I already know the answer to this but do we know for sure how the rating screen works?

Click the appropriate star leftmost = 1 and rightmost = 5.

or Click each star in order

I'm sure it is the first option but I want to make sure I'm doing it right. I ran my mission tonight with the person I specifically wrote it for. I got the notice that someone voted but no tickets. When I asked she said she had voted 5 and had the "You have voted" message 5 times to prove it.

So what happens when she does that? Is it a 5 or is it a 1?



I think that must be it. I found out my wife does the exact same thing and it certainly explains the lack of tickets I got after my SG ran the first arc and yet I still had the ratings to support it.

My wife claims it is the "obvious" way to vote and I guess she must be right and lots of people do it that way. It still boggles my mind because the "obvious" way to vote for me is to click the one you want.

Actually that isn't right... the programmer in me says it doesn't matter how they use the interface, it's the number of stars highlighted when they press the Finish button that should count with zero stars = no vote. Anything else seems a bit sloppy.

I may publish a junk arc just to test it.