Compiling a list of power that cause TS...
So if you know of a power that is granting TS that shouldnt (typically buffs...) please list them here.
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All powers that grant TS.
What? You know I'm right
O2 boost suppresses because it's considered a heal (lol at that). Self-heals (Healing Aura, etc) should not cause suppression. Ally heals should not cause suppression. In short, any power that does not directly affect an enemy player should not cause suppression.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I think ill slowly compile a complete list of powers that should have thier TS effect removed... in the mean time i need some ideas that will top a fruit basket at their office. Something that will really get their attention. Strippers maybe? Or how bout one of those huge cakes and then as they eat it they will find a package listing all the stuff they need to fix...
Anyone else got any better ideas?
Put the list in a box, and that box in another box, repeat until satasfied and then wrap in christmas paper and send.
Put the list in a box, and that box in another box, repeat until satasfied and then wrap in christmas paper and send.
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Cut a hole the in the box?

Aaaaaaaand Corruptor Forge still suppresses (Controller Forge is fixed) after the patch to test.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
in the mean time i need some ideas that will top a fruit basket at their office. Something that will really get their attention. Strippers maybe?
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Aaaaaaaand Corruptor Forge still suppresses (Controller Forge is fixed) after the patch to test.
[/ QUOTE ]Bah you vill using bleep bleeps you know we show favoritism to heroes, so what the cor version was out first. Take our toe jam vill using slime, step children lolololol.
That's what it seems like when it comes to hero versus villian affairs although the devs will never admit it.
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
you are all mean, you want to send cake and strippers to the devs. what we need to send is a personal trainer and some good ol' whole grain foods. we all know they are not in the best of shape, and think about it. what stripper would want to give a heavy set person with cake all over there face a lap dance?
So i was thinking the devs really need to thoroughly tess through all the powers that should be giving travel supression and fix them... but i realize that if you want something done you do it yourself.. or get lots of help... So if you know of a power that is granting TS that shouldnt (typically buffs...) please list them here.
So far what i can remember off the top of my head:
Controller,Defender (can some check MM and Corr.. i dont have one..) O2 Boost
Controller. Corr Forge
These are the only ones i can think of atm... Also if you think someone has listed one in error that is working as intended please give a reason why.