Thugs/Storm Help
Sounds like Mu's Electric Fences would be just what you need.
Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."

Thanks, I will check it out and see how their fair.
I have a thugs/storm as well. I haven't reached 41(should be there soon) yet but looking in my hero planner, it looks like I'll be better served by the web-nades from the mace mastery than with electric fences. I may only be an immobilization as opposed to a hold but the recharge and endurance cost is not too bad but the real reason it looks better is because it's a much, much larger radius.
Not to mention scorpion shield works better with your to hit debuffs and +defense buffs than a full resist toggle.
So are you saying that it will immobilize them just not prevent them from getting knocked around while immobilized, or are you refering to the single target hold?
Also does anyone know a site I can go too and look at all the patron powers for each arch-type. I tried CoH wiki, but they seem to be outdated and do not show the changes that patrons powers underwent.
Also does anyone know a site I can go too and look at all the patron powers for each arch-type. I tried CoH wiki, but they seem to be outdated and do not show the changes that patrons powers underwent.
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You probably went to the old Paragonwiki page; the new one is here.
If you want -kb, Scirocco's Mu Mastery is the only Patron set that offers it. The other sets will only immobilize the targets.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Doh, misread. Yah, the cages from mu will give you knockback proetection on your mobs but it's in an extremely small radius and your tornado kind of has a mind of it's own(may not attack those held). The tornado will still do good damage sans holds to archvillains and elite bosses because of their inherent knockback resists, do you really need a hold for weaklings?
Hold no, immobolize yes I need it so when I do team I wont be knocking mobs all over the place. Brutes and Tanks hate it when mobs go flying. Not that I team that much, but every little bit helps.
I have a thugs/storm as well. I haven't reached 41(should be there soon) yet but looking in my hero planner, it looks like I'll be better served by the web-nades from the mace mastery than with electric fences. I may only be an immobilization as opposed to a hold but the recharge and endurance cost is not too bad but the real reason it looks better is because it's a much, much larger radius.
Not to mention scorpion shield works better with your to hit debuffs and +defense buffs than a full resist toggle.
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see sig for Thugs/Storm guide
A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!
The shield stacks nicely, but the cages offer -kb. Gotta ask yourself which is more important to ya
A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!
the cages are a much smaller radius as well
and thanks ObscureGuy for the site. Very helpful.
Hmmm, with this info, I find it hard to decided. Go with -knockback on cages, but smaller AoE area, or nades with bigger area and def. This is a tuff one.
I have a lvl 40 Thugs/Storm and I have been having a blast so far. Its seems to be a very powerful combo solo and against Avs and EBs. My question however is which patron should I take.
I have Tornado and Lighting Storm so I am looking for a patron that has an AoE immobilize that prevents knock back so my Tornado and Lighting Storm powers can shred the mob to pieces but keeping them within a small area. Any advice?