Idea: Contraptions powerset




con trap tion [kuhn-trap-shuhn]
–noun Informal.
a mechanical contrivance; gadget; device.
Synonyms: Rube Goldberg device, apparatus, appliance, contrivance, doohickey*, gadget, gizmo*, machine, mechanism, rig, thingamajig*, widget

Another thread got me thinking about this idea. CoX already offers a nice variety of the more archetypal super powers from either full powersets or pool powers. However, except for a spattering of examples like the Zero-G Pack, Raptor Pack, and the Crey CBX-9 Pistol, there really isn't a powerset that embodies this. Now before someone says we already the Devices set let me further clarify that I would like to see contraptions that are more unique or even bizarre, like the Nemesis Staff.


.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *



I'm always willing to see new sets. Check out Lady_Jade's power suggestion box to see if there's something like this. If not (or even if so), give us what you'd like to see out of the 9 powers in the set.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Devices and Traps are nice, gadget-oriented Power Sets, but for the most part they are buff/debuff, and bombs. (Which are essentially pets that self destruct ) There's a lot of leeway for other gadget based sets.

Ninjitsu actually fits the bill for a gadget based Defense set. While there are only three actual gadgets in the set (and one is duplicated in Scrapper Weapon Mastery) Kuji-In Sha could be interpreted as a healing device, or a stimulant, and Danger Sense could be a heads up display or scanner. And the other defenses are really just training. The devs have also mentioned a Tech Defense, which could be something like this, or gadgets combined with body armor.

I would really like to see a gadget based Control set, possibly using some of the AoE Web powers available villain side, as well as such things as glue guns and non-lethal weaponry. (Like a Taser)

That leaves Melee, which could be covered by Street Fighting is you stretch the concept to include improvised weapons such as a baseball bat, and grenades or dropped mines. (i.e., you drop a grenade, and leap out of the AoE)

Ranged is kind of covered with Assault Rifle and Archery (and Pistols in Going Rogue, it looks like) but I suppose there could be a makeshift Ranged Set with grenades and weapons cobbled together from what's lying around. (a la MacGyver)




I've been toying with a gadget based EAT that is highly dependant on Inventions. The basic idea is that there would be a number of Recipes that create permanent powers for the "Gadgeteer," but temp powers for everyone else. There is a lot of work involved in the concept, and I'm not sure how to work it into the story of the game, as yet.

Maybe I'll be able to finish it up while my girlfriend is on vacation.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)