Friday night PvP Kick Ball-- 9pm Est. Pocket D
I'll post it up in Ghost Legion Channel Gun, short notice I know, but I just got in!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Well no matter who I played with I always got 1 kill per round (Ion's Fire my fire/fire scrap or Mind Number my mind/emp. 'troller)
Was fun thanks again.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Thanks to everyone who showed up tonight. We had enough people for 4 teams of 8 for kick ball and was a blast. This is going to be an Every Friday thing at 9pm Est, i will make up a Post to hopefully be stickyd on the Forums.
Much fun, even tho I died!! Lots!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Me too. Lots of people playing Squish The Bot. Still was fun.
sorry i missed it
Yeah right... Fight night... no time for PvP, just Redbull and Energy bars.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
My first large PvP event, was rather surprised that I got picked as Green Team Cap the first round (Empyrean Wolf). I think it worked better with random teams this time, but I'd love to be captain after I get some experience at PvP (so I'm not slowing the event down).
Had lots of fun, I haven't felt pushed to get toons to 50 (atm, I have only one 50 - chronic altitis), but now I have a huge motivation to lvl-cap my toons. I can't wait to see what happens in the future here on Liberty for PvP! Thanks again, Gunnr!
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."
All are welcome to attend for some PvP action in Pocket D. For those that dont know how kick ball works in CoH
Bring what ever toon you like and switch often. This is a friendly get together for everyone to try out their diffrent Toons in pvp.
Once enough people show to have some teams we pick 2 Captins and Let them take turns pickin team mates just like kick ball back in the day. Matches will run 10 min on the norm but dont be suprised if the format gets changed to mix it up over the night.
Most important rule is to Keep the Smack talk to RV. If your looking to bring your FoTM to beat on people all night this is not your event.
All Lvls are welcome but most of the fight will take place at the heavy weight class so 45+ Toons Prefered. if you do not have a charecter over lvl 45 we will do our best to accomadate and get you involved
If you cant make it right at 9pm Est. no worries this will be going on untill the Booze overtakes Massimo and he passes out.
If anyone has any Questions please contact me @Gunnr .
If any of the mods for LBX read this could you please post a reminder in the MOTD i will do the same for VoL. Thanks in advance and hope to see you all there.