Scrapper v Brutes...beyond the damage




eh..if brutes are so hot why are there still far more people playing scrappers?

lets not forget that many people do not like the fury system.

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Cause blue side population is over double redside pop and scrappers existed a long time before brutes?

Brutes ARE very popular redside, very likely in proportion or even higher than scrappers given the population numbers.

Most people enjoy the fury mechanic, it is especially awesome in early game where scalars have everyone hitting about the same and +dam is extremely noticable. I love jumping on a new brute and one shotting everything with a 'moderate' damage attack until lvl 4-6.

Both AT's are good and easy. I prefer the smashy sets on brutes (ie the tanker attack sets), they are very powerful feeling even if surpassed by sets like DM in the long run.



QR. 2 points.

1. I think this is one of those rare occasions Umbral and I totally agree on something (with regards to why more scrappers than brutes).

2. Oh any ITF I've been on the team always considers the brute to be the tank, if there isn't a tank of course. I'm completely fine with this when I'm on my scrapper for one reason: No responsibility. I'll just go rip other groups to shreds while the "Tank" is doing his job :-p

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Another aspect is PvP. I'm no PvPer, I usually pop in a PvP zone 2-3 times a year. However, I don't recall my brute ever being beat by any Scrapper. Matter of fact, when I try to get scrappers to duel me, I usually get a response along the lines of "Hahaha That's funny" I'm not sure why it's funny, but I just assumed Scrappers were inferior to Brutes in PvP.

Like I sadi, I'm not really into PvP....but it should factor in when comparing Scrapper vs Brute.



Back in old pvp if a scrapper killed a brute or a vice versa, that means they were doing it wrong.

Nowadays? I dunno, haven't gone in besides for farming lately.

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Back in old pvp if a scrapper killed a brute or a vice versa, that means they were doing it wrong.

Nowadays? I dunno, haven't gone in besides for farming lately.

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In the "old days" of PvP, my Scrapper has only fought a single Brute in PvP. My MA/SR went one on one with a Stone/Stone Brute. It was the longest fight in my Scrapper's history, and even taking into consideration that a couple Stalkers tried to be funny (their AS attacks missed), I managed to take the Brute down. No idea if he "did something wrong" or I "did something right", but after that fight I swore never to fight a single Brute solo on that Scrapper again. It just takes way too long.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



I had the same experience, but I went into the lvl 40 PvP zone the other day, and to my surprise it was fun. Me and about 10 other Brutes and Scrappers took turns dualing each other for about an hour. Some fights lasted less than a minute, most lasted about 2-3 minutes, and a few lasted over 5 minutes. From my short experience, I'd say the PvP changes are good.