Night Widow AV soloing build
AdjustedCastTime = (ROUNDUP(Castime / 0.132)+1) * 0.132
Lunge = 1.056
FU = 1.056
Slash = 1.584
FU +Strike+ Lunge = 3.432
Slash recharges in 4.6 so there would be a 1.168 gap.
this for Scrapper's Build It more like Widows build and another thing this build is in wrong place to post this.
Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker
Respec to Fortunata
NovaThunder,did you not see the bottom of my previous post? lol
And why respec to a Fort? The DPS is lower (from what I was told).
Respec to Fortunata
[/ QUOTE ]
No offense Silver, but worst kind of post ever. Oh and happy birthday!
To the OP, I've heard the DPS argument go both ways, I would think that the primary focus going from S/L to Psi would be the main reasoning for the switch to Fortunata.
Since Night Widows have an easier time hitting both the soft-cap and perma-Mind Link goals I would think Night Widows would be better suited for AV soloing. Someone will have to cast some more light onto that one.
What I'd try is using the Dual Builds feature and have your second build be a Fort if you haven't used it already. I think that'd be the best way to test things.
I'm the worst kind of poster ever *shrug*
I'm the worst kind of poster ever *shrug*
[/ QUOTE ]
Lies. You're honest about it. Second-to-last rung material, I think. Happy birthday.
To the OP: The first thing I noticed: You've got 72.1% Melee Defense. I then remembered that Widows don't get defense debuff resistance, and picked my jaw up off the floor.
Your totals are all on the high side of solid- it looks like you'll be able to do almost anything you want to. Good luck.
Hello all! I've never been good with attack chains, but I know that there would be a gap in this attack chain, how long would the gap be on Slash?
Here is the attack chain:
Slash - FU - Strike - Lunge
What's the gap on Slash if I use this attack chain?
The datachunk:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5945D53126114C71F6011D145C417509140D004D155E ECA2E1AC7974613D30|
|1B5A9A69D0D7664275A9C5D1CEBAE0FD055CDD44D4ED3DB45 D7BD4C53DFA43E4A2A|
|9D9747CA6EDB81F3DB3D9CFD3FFF73761F8A0F9754211E5F1 59E81C5BAE1BAFA826|
|3546A76C3D577AD6AE330B061340F1CA31E295A6ED3315D37 B5244F0242880CD5E8|
|67676A26E361A756DC56ADA20DF4517A57DD3AC727EDD34F6 412E441745B36A552C|
|DB8C2EEF5B156D6779A1AC971A0775BD68B84DD3793404DE7 2F07D05ADF1D152C48|
|C578882F06A8C5942EF1CA34058EC824A0F95FB44104E2645 5727A3D78305338384|
|D7AA2C132DBFC7109852EE312A840B5586C9D0056A2C83BA4 FAAFB1492ED60F58E7|
|3EA1D30593FD7097F9614DEC282014EF90393E4B533CBC811 C6A61879C607C20A2C|
|189442C1189C24C47B10EA96CEBBD9B9CACE55769E62E7297 69E62E7EFE0AE90BC2|
|BF48BB47B5A8C13C2C031E3D48B8B8C0A1F22007D8465BFE1 356A747A95B1438D4E|
|6F135E827A44AA47D8531F7BEA634F19F694614F19F6D409E AFD52BDFF292D1F7DC|
|6784E187D415885210CCABA417EA6433CF5A181BFA7BE0E75 3159179B072850F30F|
|0B5C7A048687A5E1611EC7080F6084C7317ECAE0198DE3380 AE20DDC1597EF62FC2|
|3B572F113E333E30B61EA2B210DFD25D88F3791E75FCE210A 0549F974932702279E|
|81549A97F0A6E3B46AEE0779C8FD24AC419313B2C9091EC62 4BF89397E056587D7A|
|12E2BB5B333B45C02B4F3AC2DF2E3944A424A931D6925BA71 768B5166C4A9AEC0B8|
|06A27352746E8C52A34A7B7FC2070EB1AEB4B720EC1632BDA 9B4779BF070EF37FE5|
|4FDD7F14D3DD3096E813B4F09FF00B631ECE2E54D0CB730DC C6DC1D0C7731E8185A|
|DFDBFF2EE14B68E83286790C57303CC1A200EEB66E0C2A861 0861E0C610CBD18FA3|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
And yes, I do realize that this is the Scrappers section of the forum and not the "Soldiers of Arachnos" section, but the VEAT section of the forum seems dead, and this seems to be where the AV posts are currently going.