


I'm having a hard time deciding which of these builds I want to level up. I was wondering if I can have your input on which one I choose, the pros and cons of each, or which one is better?
Thank you



I'd rec DB/WP for simplicity. DA is a clickie defense and could interrupt/slow comboing....

You're looking at one super active vs 1 super passive combo..



WP is more sturdy and all toggles and no click powers. DA is a bit less sturdy and a bit of an endurance hog with its several toggles and click heal.

/WP is the easy way to go. /DA is the difficult way but either would be fun.



oh WP for sure, DB is already enough of a END hog as it is.



I'm playing a DB/DA right now and currently have the toon at level 36 and I'm going to reccomend DB/WP over DB/DA.

I still haven't made up my mind about how I feel about my DB/DA yet...but yeah, DB/WP would be a much easier toon to play.



I've played both DB/DA and DB/WP to level 50. I love both builds.

DB/DA endurance concerns are mildly exaggerated, but you do need to prepare for it. Anything paired with Dark Armor needs to prepare for endurance management. With the right IOs (not necessarily expensive), this management is easily achieved. (see Dark Armor sections of my DM/DA guide if you need help with that). The only concern I had with DB/DA was learning when I could pop Dark Regeneration without interrupting a combo. You need to pay close attention to your HP. DR can negate most burst damage, but timing DR wrong will cause a combo to time out. It is impossible to use DR in between 1k Cuts and Power Slice without timing out the Sweep combo. For that combo, you have to use DR in between Power Slice and Typhoon's Edge.

DB/WP is a solid set. You never have to worry about interrupting your combos, but Will Power does need to be mindful about burst damage (no heal). Endurance manage requires virtually no effort, especially if you take Stamina. DB/WP was my first Will Power scrapper, so I was initially disappointed with the final results. After playing Will Power with other primaries, I realized I made a few goofs and revisited the build. With minor changes I was amazed with the improvement. DB/WP is now one of my strongest scrappers.

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