Time for IOs, a quick question
Well depending on how much you want to figure out yourself, I recommend getting Mids' Hero Designer if you don't already have it. This way you can play around with the different sets to see how they will affect everything.
I do have Mids and I use it all the time, I just never figured there were IO sets in it.
A noob is I.
Here's a little something I tried. Can someone please tell me if it even makes sense at all?
Would this cost me my firstborn to get?
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5935953D35014C76FDAC600DD2885B2EF6B5952EA32A 3A2228BCE305207017|
|95299502E10ED844E5290C28B1F805107509F5C71FD088E1F CDA59EE5B62F3E9A69|
|FFBFE49F73EE393739C9ECCD8684783229B4C84CCEF2BCD5A 5AC6BE5F3D2356E5B8|
|51DD7CAE953FB004308D150BEB59A913929CD5B56C172ACAE 8A3B2B37A4E34973CE|
|D9DDC939D2B5D6EC9C5D28C6E69C2DE94AA760964F420BDBD B39735E5A79DBD9E48|
|B9B76C1919E172DDF5997AEB765E7C3749D91EB76D67664EC 46DECE9AD3DBEBC5D5|
|8CE515A45B6C82B692F03FC4FEE828E962039016BE4D42688 B6113FA1E321E11263|
|04BA32C214C0DAD2B60696CF9B571B27C6942E42CE33CE12A C4F9394EF7DF212BB0|
|C85822D42C33EE127A5708CF204BE7367DFAA90FAD33EF196 F09CF21C0A0964ABA5|
|1433955414688501B664478D928210159D5BCACA8E63B3A58 41B5B5601C10F00B03|
|BCB0F2C2DCD7245851B58D286F37C9DB4DF27647CF3178D76 31708479015534F3B7|
|600681775BBF444EBF6094D8F091D7B84DE22A10AB2E2AA56 FC156DB7FE88714C18|
|3E61BC208CBE243C85AC0655AB818B2478F504AFDEC4AB777 0E5EE03C275C86AE45|
|ABEC63E3819147D4384643FE118029AD5B2CD3C302D3C302D 3C306D3C306D3C301D|
|3C305390D5AAF1EB69FD48FD0D7C627C260C7E617C657C235 C83AC76D54C3B971FE|
|06686B9B51308E854CD74FEA49CAE5F8CDF8C3F84EE1243F8 11D390D5A35E674F3D|
|BD9846B0FAD520F447F8ADC7C01B528B0FF1488DF1488DF14 8A578A4523C38291EA|
|938648DA8491DF90065EB45FA0DE31DA10E024C0ED04C834B A5156780E3AA8DF112|
|1CA22D50F93EE187CEFC3FCE42407D8CE068E474062ADFE77 F1DDF43E55AD58B35A|
|0CB280B282B28F750EEA33C40B150D650B228A51F95ECE845 6CE812CA6594099443|
|0C3282204194104A1825821245A94589A324505A505EA394F E02ECEBFB94|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
Oh and btw, I'm not a fan of end crashes so I took unbreakable at 49 ONLY because I couldn't find anything else to pick. I don't like the fighting pool either.
Below is the build that my DB/Invuln scrapper is planning on finishing, it's a modified version of Nihiliis' Build. Obviously fit your attacks in where you want and change the pool powers to as you see fit. This is just an idea and I'm sure there are more qualified Invuln experts around here.
I didn't take Unstoppable simply because I don't like the crash. I'm sure there will be times that I will miss it, and say something like if only I had had unstoppable but I just hate the crash too much.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5525B6F1241189D5D40CA9D16B9A45C054108710B890 F6AB5D55A4D68BB8AA|
|27D52714B47BA095908BB1A79F307F8A4893EF9438CFF44FD 2B06BFCB9498F8E824|
|9C33F3CD993387D9CF7CB71F15E2FDAED0E2F72696EB0E07A 3B9359BC979C0B4C6F|
|648048510E9F3DAD09413298D43CBB31CABB2AAEECBD7D271 A5D173DEBE9938726E|
|9DD813DB5BACF79C3339978E679C4FA2FDE974621C496B663 B635E3CB03D47BA6E4|
|C2DC6671E6CF1CA94A7F6C876E4FAFD993D32F6A6A78BA169 B99E9C2F7210AA05BF|
|258E6D8CA8095CFA44162645A17780BA42EF12F9AF1191F83 6887D82C47EDF216F9|
|B44171E323D225AEB1365401E50DE8134EFFC167845F8878E ABF04F7DE57D0BC421|
|250E9560724544CB4C9788E255A200E822AC1391AB02CF67A 114E3587A8C9DE3EC9|
|CFC45B40B8284F24EB07792BD37D87B83BD294810C4291607 528F29F5C5674CC7FC|
|B77A24CE1C10E576E8D1D6E0545A5D91FE48B7E63E116D7E6 6FA42B403BAACD2653|
|94A81A314384AE9AF2877419CD73412E7C3747929C21423AA C489EE80AEC8A67AF1|
|329DAFD4999A441A08CAFC42A2FC8A1E6D0F4A5515A4CADE3 5F6AEB1778DBD7DA0A|
|B2B5D9D0337387083033738B01F744DA56BB25F8BFD5AECD7 62BF12E8DA2A4A3B4F|
|51CA5032545B195CDA52C4EFBF3520EAF26718400B769443A 74DBA825FA8B1E4BE1|
|647FF54FA7ED5E850D1A852F6AF7AFFBFC6B7E8F95DA12761 C0A7087D846384E708|
|2F105E22580827082384E5F7D5E9C4750C7403E126C236C20 714052300118428420|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
I'd take a minute to learn about IO's and set bonuses before I invested anything into a build. You can really break a build taking for a set bonus you don't really need while gimping your build. Figure out your goal (Tanking, Damage, etc.) and make sure it fits the role you play.
First, what is your goal for the IO set's? Are you looking for improved Regen, improved Recharge, Damage, Defense, Resistances, etc? My 50 Spines/WP, for example, went more towards maximum health and Regen bonuses.
Second, your slotting seems to be more towards getting a full set of 6, but you gain bonuses for sets once you get 2 slotted, so you may want to rethink 6 slotting Stamina and only one slotting Health (for example, 3 Numina's in Health gains 12% Regen and 2% to max health, versus 2% DMG Buff and 3% Defense buff).
You can play around and see how your bonuses can really stack up without taking full sets.
As you seem to be relatively new to Mid's my best advice would be to flick over to the "totals" tab, you'll see your Defense, Resistance and Recharge listed there.
I honestly can't remember the best Katana attack chain of the top of my head, but I do know it requires significant recharge.
You're /Inv, so you want to get Smash/Lethal Res and def up as high as possible.
There are not a lot of sets that enhance Resistance, and the numbers on those that do is low, so your best bet for upping your Resistance is Tough.
(like i said, you're /Inv, so if the final number isn't approx 70%, you've gone wrong somewhere)
The second step will be to enhance your Defense, CJ and Weave will help considerably here, and defense is a lot easier to get IO bonuses for, Kinetic Combat is a good option, only need 4 to get the extra 3.75% smash/lethal bonus, and that leaves 2 slots to frakenslot to get decent bonuses for the power itself.
(on this note, forget about the positional defenses, worry about your typed defenses, again this is because you are /Inv)
And then comes the recharge, Hasten is your best bet here, but a lot of sets offer the bonuses needed Crushing impact, Obliteration, Red Fortune, LotG.
Oh, and a quick note on Accuracy, pick up the Kismet unique, most ?Inv powers take it, and will solve most Accuracy woes
And once you've made all the trade-offs to squeeze all of that in, you'll still want Aid Self for AVs, Conserve Power for long Fights, Purples because you can, and well, you can see how it will become a tight build quick enough.
These are good places to start.
IO's for Newbs, Casual Playas, & Cheapskates - Capn_Canadian [I9]
The No Numbers Guide to I9 for the Casual Player - peterpeter [I9]
The Viva Las Vegas Intermediate Guide To IO's - Fulmens [I9]
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Thanks for the guides, I'll read that.
Personally, my damage, regen and resistances are fine to me, I don't really plan to solo AVs and all that big jazz. I'd like to plug my defense amd Psi hole as well as add a dash of end recovery on the side.
You are welcome of course but don't thank me. If you get some help out of the guide send a PM to the guy that wrote it and thank them. Guide writers rarely get feed back and when they do it's not always positive.
I know for sure that 2 of those folks still play. I'm not sure if Capn still does or not.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Oh wow, nice reading, thanks for the links!
Now it's easy to see just how deeply my build makes no sense at all!
I'll try to make a new one as things go, I'll post it here later on, thanks guys!
Hey guys,
My scrapper hit 47 yesterday, it'll soon be time to celebrate my first 50 ever, and that scrapper is at least 4 years old!
I'm going to try my hand at those infamous IOs but I'm a bit confused. Besides what I can find on WW, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what sets are most adequate to me.
I'd like to know if there are some good guides/tutorials here, but I don't want to end up reading something that takes me by the hand, telling me what's a TO, DO, SO, what's a set, what are set bonuses etc. I already know that.
What I need is something like "So, you play a Kat/Inv scrapper? Here's how to determine what sets you should aim for."
That, or a build would work
Thanks! Looking forward to not be clueless anymore!