Lost Umbral: Needs a Good Home




As strange as it sounds, I've found myself at an impasse with a large portion of the members of my old SG. As it stands, I'd like to find another that would fulfill much the same role: a group of competent people to hang out with in game.

Anyone who's got an SG to toss at me feel free. (Or, if you'd rather I take this elsewhere because I should know better than to bring this up in this forum, I've got no problem doing that. I just feel that this forums is a much better place to get specific attention than the SG&VG Recruitment forum.)



Hey, I don't think anybody would have a problem with your post here. We know you here, and it pertains to our server.

As for your issue, I do have my own SG and VG, but I haven't kept them active in a long long time. I've got everything a base would ever need, except members... I just use the global channels for grouping and chat now. lol



That sucks. Well hey, as an ex-tennie myself, I can tell you that there is indeed life after blue and gold



ahhh you leave i wont know anyone in there



You got my global, Umbral. I'd recommend IRON, but our schedule's a bit light in COH lately (you're welcome to join for the interim 'til you've had a taste of our playstyle, or until you've found a better SG home).

If you want a more active SG, I could probably recommend a few run by friends which might pique your interest.

Ring me for a chat about IRON, or some other options. Cheers.



umbral, you are more then welcome to join plan b... no1 ever gets kicked. ever. and the guys are pretty easy going and laid back.... really no politics what-so-ever. you will even get your own room to decorate. these are my RL gaming friends- the guys who originally got me into gaming ....

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



umbral, you are more then welcome to join plan b... no1 ever gets kicked. ever. and the guys are pretty easy going and laid back.... really no politics what-so-ever. you will even get your own room to decorate. these are my RL gaming friends- the guys who originally got me into gaming ....

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way. I didn't get kicked. I left Top Ten of my own volition for various reasons I don't believe are appropriate to bring up here. I'd gladly take the invite though. I'm already lonely. T.T



i wasn't implying that you got kicked, luv, im just saying thats our policy... <grumble>

*edited to add* and if you want an invite, im in game now...

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



there goes my reason to live.
but seriously,what happen?i have been out of town to a car show.