can I tell you where you are between missions?




would you accept this for the story, or hate it due to "reality"?

in mission 2 you are told that you are transported to dimension X.

in the briefing for mission 3 you are still trapped in dimension X - mission 3 is your escape.

So you are in the AE building and can wander around freely - but the story says you are trapped somewhere else.

Will you buy it for the sake of the story, or would it feel to fake?



I tend to pretend the AE building isn't there. I find it hard to believe that I went back in time, or went to France, or went to dimension X and yet when I was defeated I ended up in the AE hospital. So what you're proposing wouldn't require any more suspension of disbelief than that.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



yeah, I really like these types of stories that flow from one mission to the next without the need to "go back to your contact." Adventures of the Space Marines is like that, and it's one of my favorite arcs.

Of course, I'm not into RP at all, so I don't know if more avid RPers would mind.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



At any time where the 'player' is trapped, I change up the contact text to indicate such. Yes, it's a suspension of disbelief, but it's easier on the player if you actually spell out the situation.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



It would be really cool if the contact was in a separate area that you could select the appearance of (the same way you select the contact or the map for a mission). It wouldn't need to be a big area, just enough to give you the flavor of the arc and keep up the suspension of disbelief.

It would probably require a separate zone or instance. But only for the initial load; if you exit to it between missions it would probably be a WHOLE lot faster than exiting to the AE building when it has dozens of people standing around. This could be one way of drastically decreasing the lag around the AE buildings while adding a great story-based feature at the same time.

What would be really cool is if that instance was like a base, in that you could completely control its appearance. The only requirement on it would be to have an exit point (like the base exit to go back to AE), and something to click to start the mission.



It would be really cool if the contact was in a separate area that you could select the appearance of (the same way you select the contact or the map for a mission). It wouldn't need to be a big area, just enough to give you the flavor of the arc and keep up the suspension of disbelief.

It would probably require a separate zone or instance. But only for the initial load; if you exit to it between missions it would probably be a WHOLE lot faster than exiting to the AE building when it has dozens of people standing around. This could be one way of drastically decreasing the lag around the AE buildings while adding a great story-based feature at the same time.

What would be really cool is if that instance was like a base, in that you could completely control its appearance. The only requirement on it would be to have an exit point (like the base exit to go back to AE), and something to click to start the mission.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd be happy with a separate room where you could determine the wall color. The big room is just lame for rping.



I've played around with reflective text to alter it from being the contact on a second mission to being you thinking about the contact:

"Bob the Contact may have mentioned how sneaky Dr. Dastardly is, but he didn't mention an inclination towards traps."

Or with an object contact:

"Hard to believe a little curiosity about an ancient urn would leave you trapped neck deep in a sewer. Maybe if curiosity hadn't got you to pull that stupid lever."