A simple guide to starting off with a Kheldian




This is a simple (general) guide that I've found useful. I've previously emailed the core of it to other players, they too found it useful. Your mileage may vary, but some players may find adapting the technques below well worthwhile to get over any starting hump.

Firstly, when I started a Peacebringer I found the plethora of choices far too complex. So I simply focused on a human build. I had the expectation that once I was more familiar I'd use my build 2 to create a triform.

Peacebrunger lvl 23
This is my build at level 23.
It took some effort to get there.
* It's easiest to team as much as possible until at least level 17.
* Try to do the Synapse TF. This, plus the Kheldian Arc, gave me enough merits at lvl 23 to buy 4 points KB protection (which I put into Combat Flight).

Key points:
* Manage your endurance!
* Toggle protections only when needed
* I maxed out Incandescence, it costs no endurance
* I got a couple of sets sets at Lvl 22, and SO for the rest. This made a -dramatic- difference, and all of a sudden the peacebringer was able to solo with ease, and in teams became awesome.
* Note: I do not yet have stamina. However, with the sets I've done, I rarely run out of Endurance [edit got it at 24]
* Remember, most sets you will consider need to have four slots at level 22, to be effective
* CoT seems damn -easy- compared to my other alts, and of course the Quantum Shield helps and so on. Council Mech go down fast too.
Peacbringer at level 23:
* All slots below are SO at level 25 unless noted.
* The number after the power is the number of slots at level 23

Gleaming Bolt: 2 DMG DMG
Gleaming Blast: 5 DMG DMG DMG RedEnd ACC
Radiant Strike: 4 DMG DMG RedEnd ACC
Build Up: 4 Set: Adjusted targeting
: ToHit Buff
: ToHit Buff/Recharge
: ToHit Buff/Recharge/Endurance Reduction
: ToHit Buff/Endurance Reduction
Luminous Detonation: 3 DMG DMG ACC
Incandescent Strike: 2 Set Undermined Defenses
: Recharge/Endurance Reduction
: Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction

Incandescence: 5 ResDmg ResDmg ResDmg ResDmg ResDmg
Shining Shield: 3 Set: Titanium Coating
: Resistance
: Resistance/Endurance
: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
Essence Boost: 2 Set Miracle healing
: Healing
: Healing/Endurance/Recharge
Thermal Shield: 2 ResDmg RedEnd
Quantum Shield: 2 ResDmg RedEnd

INHERENT (all ONE slot)
Brawl: DMG
Sprint: RunSpd
Energy Flight: FlightSpd
Rest: RechRed
CombatFlight: Karma: KnockBack Protection
: This cost 75 Merits, could afford it at lvl 23
Swift: RunSpd
Health: Heal


� Taosin [Sydney, Australia]
Servers: Virtue, Justice, Exalted



So many views with no comments must mean that nobody can find fault with your guide.

Seems like sound advice to me though never played a human only build much past level 6. Been meaning to give it a shot though and this looks like a good primer.

* I got a couple of sets sets at Lvl 22, and SO for the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

I take it you mean IO sets at lvl 22?



Firstly, when I started a Peacebringer I found the plethora of choices far too complex.
So I simply focused on a human build. I had the expectation that once I was more familiar I'd
use my build 2 to create a triform.

[/ QUOTE ]

No offense intended, but I stopped reading here.

Personally, for me, the defining part of being a Kheld is the forms. The human powers
are weaker (early) and contribute, I think, to a basic sense of "Kheld's ... meh" when
compared to other AT's a player probably experienced on the road to L50.

So, my advice would be:
<ul type="square">[*] Read some guides to get a sense of the AT[*] Determine from those guides which build(s) tend to play similarily to AT's you liked[*] Dive in[*] Ask questions on the forum if things seem unclear[/list]That's how I approached it, and it's also the approach I'd recommend to others.

That said, I'm a big fan of having fun and playing whichever way works, so if this helps
somebody with their Kheld - that's all the better.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Personally I'd advice getting Bright Nova at level 6. Before 22 (stamina+SOs) the Nova's bonuses to accuracy, endurance recovery and damage are immense and in a team you may equal or perhaps even surpass a blaster. Before getting slotted with SOs I spent most of my time in Nova form, simply because it is that much better than human.

At level 20ish I'd suggest getting the Dwarf. Very durable and with Footstomb, healing, taunt, what's not to like? You're lacking a taunt aura and gauntlet, but you're as durable as a tanker and if your tanker friend is a bit squishy (fire springs to mind), you can take an alpha strike to the face.

I personally found myself having a nova/human build on my 1st slot and at 20 I made a human/dwarf build in the 2nd slot. I'm mostly playing using the 2nd slot (DWARF IS JUST SO AWESOME!), using dwarf for off-tanking and human form for it's versatility and if there's a need for blasting.

While you can play without using any forms, being purely human, I think you'll find that you have a much harder time, at least from 6-20. Your shields are quite draining, especially when you don't have access to SOs and stamina. And if you don't run with shields, you'll mostly be a nova blaster without any of the nova benefits (+dam, +to hit, +recovery).



...* I maxed out Incandescence, it costs no endurance...

[/ QUOTE ]

Meaning you 3-slotted this? If so, not sure that was the best investment.

For my Human Only build I put one slot in it - that combined with Quantam Shield gives me plenty of Energy Resistance. For a PB, I can just thing of soooo many more areas those extra 2 slots would come in handy. *shrug*