Taking on Elude in PVP




Was wondering what sets would be good in taking on A toon with Elude in PVP zones and arena. Not really going to worry about blasters, but really curious on how do i fight these guys. Do I just wait for elude to wear off? I dont PvP much but when I did pre i13 it was usually a good fight, now it just a matter of watching my life drain till I die. I have a plant/psi and Ice/psi slotted, and now a Earth/Psi (not slotted but getting there.) Do i need to change secondries or Primaires?. Also my builds are geared towards a solid PVE toon, not PVP. But anyways, any input would be appreciated.



Or should I just avoid this fight all together?



mind/thorns will work. Thorns has -def and aim. Add in tactics and you'll hit that scrapper all day long.



in the arena, i force them into elude early on, spend 3 minutes running, come back and destroy them for the next 3 minutes.

sounds cheap but it works wonders. it makes people so angry. that's mainly why i do it.

mind/* will hit through consistently though, so you can just use your primary and ignore elude.

/thorns will -def them nicely, but the thing with thorns is that the lethal + toxic dmg makes it worthless against a lot of opponents. for example, half good regens will give you a hard time, as will any squishy with inherent resists. blasters will give you a hard time too. fighting most melee's is pretty hilarious though.

earth/* should be able to -def elude quite a bit, but the -def debuff resistance is still gonna be an issue. widow elude is laughable though. this also applies to thorns.

/elec is sexy though. if you throw poisonous ray (or water spout), pop force of nature, build up and jump them, you will three shot an /sr scrapper. just remember to FINISH with thunderstrike. otherwise the scaling resists will keep you from getting a kill.

so yeah, the best way to go about it on any single dom build, is to run around and come back and destroy them during the crash / after it.

otherwise, mind/*, earth+elec/thorns, anything+elec/water spout/poisonous ray.

gl hf



in the arena, i force them into elude early on, spend 3 minutes running, come back and destroy them for the next 3 minutes.

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This is true, unless the SR Scrapper is built correctly and running a 70 second or less Elude



in the arena, i force them into elude early on, spend 3 minutes running, come back and destroy them for the next 3 minutes.

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This is true, unless the SR Scrapper is built correctly and running a 70 second or less Elude

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70 seconds is way more than you'll need provided you land your attacks.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



in the arena, i force them into elude early on, spend 3 minutes running, come back and destroy them for the next 3 minutes.

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This is true, unless the SR Scrapper is built correctly and running a 70 second or less Elude

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70 seconds is way more than you'll need provided you land your attacks.

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Provided he doesn't use Inspires and/or pop Demonic or even Phase. Maybe.



in the arena, i force them into elude early on, spend 3 minutes running, come back and destroy them for the next 3 minutes.

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Or you spend 3 minutes running, then the scrapper spends a bit over a minute running... repeat. Sounds like a lot of fun.