Stalker forums quietest of all AT's?




Oh, I luv to say "peekaboo, I see you" in sirens with my stalker. People start jumping around like crazy and popping yellows. Then I gently remind them that if I wanted them dead, they would already be cursing me in the hospital.

Then for those that do not attack me, I kill them one minute later when there yellows wear off.

I'm not evil, I'm just drawn that way.



Just seems that way....

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It was super busy before with all those Stalker Needs Buff threads. Now that Stalker got what they need, nobody cares anymore... lol

You want activities? Go check out Dominator thread!

PS: Speaking about which, I guess if we voice our concern loud enough, we do get dev's attention!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Hey, we already got rid of TOTALITY. We don't need another one.

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Wow I'd forgotten about TOTALITY. What ever happened to him?




Wow I'd forgotten about TOTALITY. What ever happened to him?

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Either the mods got tired of dealing with TOTALITY-related complaints and banned his forum account, or he got tired of that avenue of trolling, quietly changed his name, and started up a new game on some other subforum




You want activities? Go check out Dominator thread!

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It isn't great as the original "Positron freaks out re: AE" threadnought (what could be though?), but there's some good hilarity in that Dom buff thread.



eh might be the quietist but at least help is always there from experienced stalkers...

*runs back into the shadows*

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You actually needed to come out of the shadows to talk? Newbie Stalker!

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Real stalkers learn to converse normally while still being completely invisible. It freaks out the target a lot more that way.

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I used to do that to people in SC all the time. Say hi, ask them how they're doing. It was hilarious how twitchy they'd get after that.

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It's Big Fun in Bloody Bay too


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.




Wow I'd forgotten about TOTALITY. What ever happened to him?

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Either the mods got tired of dealing with TOTALITY-related complaints and banned his forum account, or he got tired of that avenue of trolling, quietly changed his name, and started up a new game on some other subforum

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If I'm not mistaken, when someone changes their forum handle it changes in their older posts retroactively as well. There are still some TOTALITY posts in the stickied Placate thread, so I don't think he changed his forum handle. He might have started posting with a second account though.