~Ice Mistral SF - Wednesday, May 20~

Aoide Muse



Hi, E. I'll probably be around if you need any help.




Anyway, about tonight. I'm always up for some Horde action, but I need a little break for personal reasons. We've had a lot going on lately and I've put some RL things aside. Work has been a little crazy lately too. I was even late to my own (Luna's) event this Monday.

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Not a problem MB. Just thought it was odd. I completely understand how it is. I think we've all been there before.

Currently I'm the exact opposite, I'm playing CoH more with my friends (y'all) lately to get away from my RL irritations

Just how it goes!

[/ QUOTE ] Well I'm not trying to get away from anybody by any means. I didn't mean to imply that I was taking a break from you all... just that RL is causing me to have to pull away from the game slightly. Of course I'd rather be with all you guys any time. lol

Problem is letting priorities go for too long, you have to take care of them sometime. lol

In light of having the whole weekend off, I might be at work a little later on Friday, but I'll try my hardest to meet up for the LGTF. (did we ever decide on going all Tank, besides Luna, on that one? lol)



Good luck to those doing this tonight (sorry I couldn't be there for this. Just got home and feeling exhausted again).

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



It was another fun night on the evil side of the game fence!

Everyone that signed up was able to make the run & things went pretty smoothly for the most part (Xort did experience a couple crashing issues).

The Team:

Kin Rothko
Gabriel Keats
Monochrome Rook
Mr E-Lectric
Princess Harold
Wong Sun

Even though, I am dead in the Ice Mistral SF: Stat Box, I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

Thanks for coming out last night everyone! It was a lot of fun as always!

Next week will (probably) be the 2nd Villain Respec Trial or another run at the Mender Lazarus TF - I will post up details later in the week.

The Villain SFs/Trials are pretty sparce (even more so) from here on out, so the likelyhood of doubling/tripling up on the existing content is unavoidable. We will most likely be hitting up some villainous MA arcs as well en route to 50 & the RSF.

If anyone has any additional suggestions, I welcome the input...

See everyone on Friday for the Lady Grey TF.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

[/ QUOTE ] Was it me?



I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

[/ QUOTE ] Was it me?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is possible, but Inducto was doing a bang-up job of dying as well!

I think I only died 3-4 times (not sure if that last one actually counted as the Mission Complete & my death occurred almost simultaneously.) And, I am not counting the 2 self-rezzes I tried after the mission ended...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

[/ QUOTE ] Was it me?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is possible, but Inducto was doing a bang-up job of dying as well!

I think I only died 3-4 times (not sure if that last one actually counted as the Mission Complete & my death occurred almost simultaneously.) And, I am not counting the 2 self-rezzes I tried after the mission ended...

[/ QUOTE ]

lol yeah, in instances like that, there is no hope of self rezzing. Those just don't count

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Well, I had a lot of fun. Thanks for letting me join and I'm looking forward to the next time.



That was great fun last night. Thanks for running it E.



i had great fun as well, even if i did fall asleep a couple of times in the last 2 missions



i had great fun as well, even if i did fall asleep a couple of times in the last 2 missions

[/ QUOTE ]

lol - the SF didn't even take us very long...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



lol, i know and i live on the west coast so we were done before 9pm. i don't know what was up yesterday.



i had great fun as well, even if i did fall asleep a couple of times in the last 2 missions

[/ QUOTE ]




I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

[/ QUOTE ] Was it me?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is possible, but Inducto was doing a bang-up job of dying as well!

I think I only died 3-4 times (not sure if that last one actually counted as the Mission Complete & my death occurred almost simultaneously.) And, I am not counting the 2 self-rezzes I tried after the mission ended...

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah probably it was me. I think it was all the buffs going around. 2xSB + AM, and shields. I was going "I'm invinci-" *you have been defeated*

I had a ton of fun though, even moreso than usual. I don't think that's directly related to the dying, but I can't rule it out.

Also this might not be the best place for it, but for anyone who isn't overly familiar with red-side if you want help getting accolades just let me know, I can hook you up. I used Demonic in that last mission when the ambushes started showing up, which allowed me to ignore them and focus on the AV. I also managed to clear out quite a few of them once the AV was down, but when Demonic dropped, so did I.