We are "Teen Scene"




*you see a commercial on the Television. Heat Transfer, one of Paragon's top young Idol superheroines stands in front of City Hall as she smiles at you*

"Hey there teenage Superheroes!," She exclaims," Are you looking for a group of friends and teammates? Searching for a place to belong? Then join me at the scene! Teen Scene that is!"

She explains," We know how hard it is to be a teenager plus have powers to adapt to. It can be hard to relate to older heroes. Well we won't be your mentors. We're here to be your friends."

"If you want to be part of this scene, if you have powers and your're a teen, if you think this might be your team, then call us up and we'll set the theme."

She flies up into the sky and then ignites some number patterns in the air that look like a phone number and a T symbol.

Then some words pop up that says:

Contact @StormSurge. If you'd like to be a member of Teen Scene. YOu must be Age 13-19. We also accept aliens, Kheldians, or Beasts who may be in their "teenage" years. We do not endorse the killing or maiming of criminals, only capture and arrest. (( Heavy RP SG. ))



*stiffles a snicker at the thought of you only getting contacted by dirty old men*


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Let me stop you right there. We are not a geared towards Cybering. So if you are looking for a group that does that, we're not it.

I would also appreciate stifling the negative comments please. I wouldn't think you'd want someone joking about your SG like that.

If your character RPs as a teenage Superhero please look us up.