So is it possible??
bots/traps has been known to solo quite a few. I hear provoke, a taunt from the presence pool, is quite useful in this, because it keeps all the damage on u, which is then evenly mitigated to your bots, so that they are much less likely to get one shotted.
well, would it be possible to solo an av with necro/pain domination??
Jordon Justice
Don't know about Necro/Pain, but my Thugs/Poison has taken her fair share down. And provoke helps keep the attention on you for bodyguard mode. On my second built I took the fighting pool to get tough and weave, and I was really surprised about how much it helped. Weave, tough, manuevers, and the patron shield really helped give me more survivability.
No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.
Really good players with ultra-high end IO builds have soled just about every AV and Hero in the game with Bots / Traps. They've also soloed some Giant Monsters and the ITF. Even low-end builds (including SO only builds) can solo at least some AVs, and moderate IO slotting lets you solo quite a few.
I'm sure there are AVs that Necro / Pain can solo, but since I've not really played either of those sets much I'm not sure which ones. I'd assume that since Necro is a primarily melee set you'd have real trouble with AVs that have powerful PBAoEs or melee heals, but the ones with more of a ranged focus are probably doable assuming you can keep your pets alive.
If you want an easy test, fight an Elite Boss while using Bodyguard. If you end the fight with both you and the pets in good shape, you're probably tough enough to try an AV. If anyone is badly hurt, or you lose a pet, you probably don't have the staying power to go the distance with an AV... though a high-recharge build might be able to replace the zombies fast enough. Assuming you are tough enough, you just need enough damage to take the AV down... and the only way to know if you have that is to try it and see.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
One point you'll have a hard time on fighting AVs as a mastermind is if you lack +tohit or significant -def (absurdly significant to overcome the inherent debuff resistance) and you're fighting crazy defense AVs like Mynx and at times Mako.
I stood toe-to-toe with Mynx for a long time getting nowhere at all considering she was +3 to me to begin with, leaving the pajama squad at -5 and -4 to her.
I solo'd different AVs with a Bots/poison and Thugs/dark with varying degrees of success. I was most proud of soloing Ms. Liberty with my Thugs/dark despite her evil hax purple triangles of doom. I think the one mission where you have a Wailer King boss and a Carnie Ringmistress in a negotiation was as tough as an AV mission.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
some mm builds need io's. most do not. all you really need is some -regen, some defense or overwhelming amounts of healing and -tohit debuffs.
i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
some mm builds need io's. most do not. all you really need is some -regen, some defense or overwhelming amounts of healing and -tohit debuffs.
[/ QUOTE ]
so does that exclude pain dom?
i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
[/ QUOTE ]
You dont happen to remember if there were any AVs with no AOEs do you ? And what the easiest one you faced was ?
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
some mm builds need io's. most do not. all you really need is some -regen, some defense or overwhelming amounts of healing and -tohit debuffs.
[/ QUOTE ]
so does that exclude pain dom?
[/ QUOTE ]
i dont consider pain or storm as viable as traps or dark. your debuffs cant be made perma, and just being able to heal alone isnt enough. you also need someway of increasing your pets survivability whether it's from massive amounts of -hit or -dmg or -recharge you can keep up permanently, or some form of shielding for the pets to keep them alive.
an ideal av solo situation is having to replace the minimum number of pets. the more end spent on replacing pets and rebuffing them is end not spent using your secondary to debuff the av or buff your pets.
of the two - the thugs/traps had the easiest time killing positron as a +2 av. of the two, the necro/dark had the easiest time dealing with biff and widdershins regen as +2 EB's. of course once i got io's in the thugs/traps and could make the -regen in poison trap permanent that was no longer the case.
i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
some mm builds need io's. most do not. all you really need is some -regen, some defense or overwhelming amounts of healing and -tohit debuffs.
[/ QUOTE ]
so does that exclude pain dom?
[/ QUOTE ]
i dont consider pain or storm as viable as traps or dark. your debuffs cant be made perma, and just being able to heal alone isnt enough. you also need someway of increasing your pets survivability whether it's from massive amounts of -hit or -dmg or -recharge you can keep up permanently, or some form of shielding for the pets to keep them alive.
an ideal av solo situation is having to replace the minimum number of pets. the more end spent on replacing pets and rebuffing them is end not spent using your secondary to debuff the av or buff your pets.
of the two - the thugs/traps had the easiest time killing positron as a +2 av. of the two, the necro/dark had the easiest time dealing with biff and widdershins regen as +2 EB's. of course once i got io's in the thugs/traps and could make the -regen in poison trap permanent that was no longer the case.
[/ QUOTE ]
what about the buffs to your pets available to say mercs/pain? Like Painbringer and World of Pain? Could those buffs make up for the lack of DEbuffs?
i solo'd every av every story arch gave me on the way to 50 as both a necro/dark and a thugs/traps and did it without io's.
some mm builds need io's. most do not. all you really need is some -regen, some defense or overwhelming amounts of healing and -tohit debuffs.
[/ QUOTE ]
so does that exclude pain dom?
[/ QUOTE ]
i dont consider pain or storm as viable as traps or dark. your debuffs cant be made perma, and just being able to heal alone isnt enough. you also need someway of increasing your pets survivability whether it's from massive amounts of -hit or -dmg or -recharge you can keep up permanently, or some form of shielding for the pets to keep them alive.
an ideal av solo situation is having to replace the minimum number of pets. the more end spent on replacing pets and rebuffing them is end not spent using your secondary to debuff the av or buff your pets.
of the two - the thugs/traps had the easiest time killing positron as a +2 av. of the two, the necro/dark had the easiest time dealing with biff and widdershins regen as +2 EB's. of course once i got io's in the thugs/traps and could make the -regen in poison trap permanent that was no longer the case.
[/ QUOTE ]
what about the buffs to your pets available to say mercs/pain? Like Painbringer and World of Pain? Could those buffs make up for the lack of DEbuffs?
[/ QUOTE ]
can you make them perma? av fights are not exactly short.
i have a 42 bots/pain and using that one fortitude-copy power seems to bug out my assault bot (and you cant modify pet recharge in any form)
just to clarify, you arent going to find a better av killing build than this thugs/traps
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593C96B136118C6BFC9626C3249BA2F69932EB649BA4 DDB9B0B28B881DAD14|
|AEB828A25B4D336D026219380756BD5AB07153DFA57B881CB 41445CCE6E270FE245|
|4110D4737CDFF7F9DA143C3A24CF2FF3CD9BE77DE6FD66EC7 37B4DA5567729A376C|
|F62C675A7ED8C5B728A4BD9DCACDFCECC6767544029D5525D 9D9E2C2F2DE573D6D4|
|4279DE6DDAB0BEBB3C37674D153305B7EE406EC1293AB992B 5F6233C91CF2F5AB63|
|39B9DC9E69C7A399B72169D42BE58CA94B2F99C294BFBB3A5 9CE3BA4139992C38CE|
|6C6C5F213B636DE8629775C2E556CAD54FDF177EA58F8A5FF D248C29CF77E02B21A|
|57C9F811FB2B8E99760D9B7FE2F9FBA61C8959B82CDB7803B 82E06DC1792A3774B9|
|714F1C82F705E603E0A120F2487081CABDBADC7B481C22E38 25A1B382CA83F22784|
|9B780BBA818FE6E71A807E234FD80360AC0A811468D306A86 51338C2E52DF1A5D5E|
|8398AD88D98A9831C48C21E62B6A1AD2A30B61741D185D074 697C0B012CF3D4A35A|
|84442CE921428ACD38663B2D4055CA2F65103EDA34149D415 024C41771888085E53|
|FB3A1879EBBE508BB8EAFE267D87FF88DFC86F0FE3B28FBBC 3B6E19DD46D790F7C0|
|23E0A7A3F08FA285F13CA5553BB971DD2B4D48260DE96B098 F646818820690ADE50|
|A2363D90360C248981243190149EA5149EA514C6B342F9DA7 5BEF615B9B5FE55E00|
|A705530704DE0A730718451F16171784B7D3BF5483BB1F303 C02A79F768EF1EECE8|
|007674083B3A841D1DC28E06C8BB0FDE9EBEE3D26EF8A0212 3DD69F0709ED23CD27|
|A38E9B45C79464B83BAC5205A8CA0C5085A8CA1C5185AF450 0B4B67B5067105E8A4|
|2BA3DA7BB417CF51F535A30F1D6AFC9F9589EABBA50C59B1A B35FF753C36D77C6A8|
|E064927598EB19C6039C9728AE534CB1996B32CD32C9527EB FF8E6EE540DB58B6B3|
|EC60B9CE45017E7D422C264B9825C21265A9656960696689B 1DC65A9FC059F2C0AE|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
to bottom line the above:
bruiser is at the defense cap
bruiser has 40% smash/lethal resists
secondary has perma:
-5000 regen
-20% defense (20 seconds stacked -40% defense)
-20% resistance (20 seconds stacked -40% resistance)
+300% regen for all pets
-50% recharge which can stack quite a bit (web grenade)
-fly, run, jump
status prot against hold/stun/immob
-20% dmg (drones)
of course all that is modified by av resists, but you get the picture
i've got a few mm's at 50, and the above combination is the most lethal and most survivable for dealingl with av's - even positron and his annoying -def -regen -recharge rad attacks.
pretty sweet. Though i might have to go with Mercs myself... I can not stand how the thugs look. (now if I could dress them up as mobsters... that would be a different story)
have you used /traps in pvp?
Im intersested in knowing what are some combinations in masterminds that can solo avs
and some strategies used with those combos please?
Jordon Justice