Since no one in pvp arena could help..




Any idea on waht the ultimate pvp charcter really is?



You should roll what ever you want.

At some point it will be good and then be bad and then good again...

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



On infinity, one of the toughest characters I've run across was a Ninja/Dark MM


Beaten the crap out of me several times... even without his pets






Any idea on waht the ultimate pvp charcter really is?

[/ QUOTE ]

what ever one im playing

OK its a joke answer but realy there area few builds that do well, and
even between them its a matter of pratice with your build and some
luck as to how much practive your foe had with his/hers. There is no
"ultimate" pvp class or build there are a few good ones but any that
come close to being that best get nerfed as there isnt suposed to be a



Probably something stupid with end drain or burst dmg or both in this issue:
zones: something like stalker(elec or spines), tanker( /SS), scrapper( /regen), blaster (psi/, sonic/ ) maybe
arena: mind, grav, earth/psi, elec doms, /thermals, again blasters, stalkers...

It is just personal opinion and mostly what i see nowdays in zones and arena. You don't have really to make any of this builds, besides any of them might get nerfed anyway and also don't forget what you actually want to play and not what everyone plays.