The Gray Gallery




Looks like you still need a Darkjedi...



Looks like you still need a Darkjedi...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ohhhhhh, I soooo very want one too! I'm moving to Florida in three weeks, so I'm refraining...but I plan on it someday!

Then again I notice you do forums siggys




Then again I notice you do forums siggys

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm kind backing off from those, actually. It takes 5 - 8 hours to model a character and they weren't really worth the effort from my side. Me and my perfectionism!



lol, then I'll patiently wait for my funds to catch up with my dreams



Hehe, I have another lovely addition to my gallery thanks to LadyJudgement. Please post any comments you have for the piece in the appropriate thread . Still, a mega-ultra-super thanks goes out to LJ! *hugs*

Gray Huntress by baquitania (aka LadyJudgment)!



So many and all very nice.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



Wooooooo!!! I'm certainly not keeping quiet, now am I, hehe? Because I have another beautiful Gray Huntress piece in my gallery. I really have to wonder how many great works of art can fit in a single gallery...still haven't reached the limit yet, hehe.

This is my fifth and final commission (atm) from a package I purchased from rhardo several weeks ago, and what a way to finish! This piece was done in collaboration with spidey0318, who did the colors.

Gray Huntress Collaboration : line art by rhardo ; colors by spidey0318



VERY nice! Congrats!



wow... the colors really brought it to a new level with the textures...

and I cant' help but think of eBas' famous comments ending line for this, which I can't type out since the forums will censor it. lol

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Rhardo is something to watch! So is that WorkPlayArt dude...



I definitely need to thank everyone for checking out my gallery, I know I don't comment much after I post a new piece but just know that it is appreciated (but I'm sure all the artists I commission appreciate it ten times more!).

I'm so happy I have had the opportunity to do business with many talented men/women/its (I think Foo is an It, not sure though). Collecting art can be very rewarding (ego-boosting may be a side-effect but NOT the intended purpose), because you're able to see your character through another person's have them put their inherent and honed gift into a recreation of your characters. Its one thing when you play your character...its another when you see them in a different light.

In some ways I wish I would have started sooner, if only because I would have a bigger collection by now! Still, Gray Huntress has been my #1 hero for 3-1/2 years now, and she's not giving up that position anytime soon...or ever (I think she kills my interest in alts).

Why am I a collector? It's not about getting as much as possible (though its a side effect as well), or because I want to collect pieces from the biggest names out there; it's because art fills in the gap where the inspiration from writing fails, where the imagination falters, where you receive something tangible and real.

Thank you to the artists who have given me this gift, and thank you to the viewers who have appreciated my characters through another's eyes.



I am not an it! I am a human being! I am a man!



I am not an it! I am a human being! I am a man!

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm not a number! I'm a free man!




I am not an it! I am a human being! I am a man!

[/ QUOTE ]

...that's what she said...

I guess that line doesn't fit in flawlessly everywhere >.<



I got another piece in today by paneseeker! It had taken awhile for my spot to come up on the queue, but rl caused some delays so I was more than willing to wait. It's good to see him back in action again though!

Gray Huntress by paneseeker !

I appreciate his unique take on Gray, and it's exciting to see what he came up with. Even though the bow is a bit shorter than normal, the focus is on the hero and that's what's important!



That's an awesome piece of art hunni. Gratz on yet another piece for your collection!



nice! like the rest pane's gettin better!

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I've got a few pieces to post today in the Gray Gallery. The first two have already been featured in the forums by LadyJudgment and the third one I just received today by paneseeker

Jackalynn by baquitania (aka LadyJudgment)

Gift Combination by baquitania

Both the Gray Huntress and Jackalynn pieces were flawlessly combined; I love how the two sisters are featured together.

The second piece by paneseeker is another Gray Huntress commission. If you think you've already seen it, you may want to check again since he posted it as he made some changes before the end.

Gray Huntress 2 by paneseeker



Ah he finished, love that Paneseeker one... he has a great body of very consistent work. Conga Rats!



The Gray Gallery continues to grow in amazingness. LJ is the master of capes and that combo piece is a great idea. Pane is just doing some beautiful work these days.

Seeing new art in other galleries is almost as good as getting new art myself. And it's a lot more affordable!

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



I'm back! Then again I didn't have the time to really be 'gone,' but I have another piece to add to my gallery, hehe. I honestly wasn't expecting the another addition from paneseeker for at least a couple of days, but he worked on this piece with dedication today and I now have Jackalynn to add to the collection.

Jackalynn by paneseeker



very smexy... congrats GH!



damn pane's really gettin better with each piece.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!