Doc Delilah?
I know she's there, I ran an arc the other day that had her in it. Try looking under 'Pets'?
I believe she's a Magic contact.
I believe she's a Magic contact.
[/ QUOTE ]
She is. I saw her there yesterday.
Awesome, thanks. And her being a Magic contact makes it even more fitting.
(I may still wait until I15 to publish arcs though, hoping a lot of stuff is fixed.)
She's a contact - so she can be used as a hostage but not an ally.
If you want her to fight you or fight alongside you, she's fairly easy to remake with standard issue costume pieces.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
By the same token, if she has the same AI as in the game, you may not WANT her to be your ally.
Dec out.
Is Doc Delilah hiding anywhere in MA? I was wanting to use her as a hostage/ally when setting up a map last night, and could NOT remember her name.