Another new problem, Captive not updating right?

Chad Gulzow-Man



oky, 3 Q's..

First how do i add color to my text. I wanna make some text Light Blue, yellow, red, green,) add to clues, and descriptions.

2, I opened the editor and clicked on the main mission setting page, aka the pen, and when to look at the suveiener and the text was just blinking and flashing soo i couldnt read it. I tried clicking on the text but it didnt help. this is the only text that has done this to date.

3rd, After having a crash the other day and lossing 3 hours of work cause auto save got turned off and i didnt notice.. Im now very leary of making sure this is working right.

I want to tweak a published arc, But if i trun auto save on it says "null" I dont wanna lose my whole days work on a crash again. SOo basically is there a way to get auto save working on a published arc?, or do i just republish, I get tried of updating my Sig and mision number all the time.. any tips?



When making changes to a published arc, I tend to make very small changes and save (republish) after each one in quick succession. I'm not saying I save after I type every word... but if were adding in a series of new bosses, I'd republish after adding each one's text and dialog info. I also temporarily put "(CURRENTLY EDITING)" in the description if anybody happens to come along with the intent to play it while I'm working.

If you're doing something like adding entirely new missions... well, seriously man, you ought to do all that and do some test runs BEFORE you publish it.

As for your question about adding color, you can do it manually if you're familiar with HTML. However, it's a lot simpler to just highlight the text you want to recolor, right-click on it, and choose an option from the color menu there. Right-clicking also helps you to see which fields will and will not allow for changing colors.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



oky, 3 Q's..

First how do i add color to my text. I wanna make some text Light Blue, yellow, red, green,) add to clues, and descriptions.

[/ QUOTE ]
Highlight the text in the text box, right click, and (if formatting is available for that field) select the color from the color sub menu.


2, I opened the editor and clicked on the main mission setting page, aka the pen, and when to look at the suveiener and the text was just blinking and flashing soo i couldnt read it. I tried clicking on the text but it didnt help. this is the only text that has done this to date.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have read that some fields that are close to the text limit (i.e. 3000 chars for Souvenir text) will do this - seems to be a bug with how the field resizes itself to fit the text or something.


3rd, After having a crash the other day and lossing 3 hours of work cause auto save got turned off and i didnt notice.. Im now very leary of making sure this is working right.

I want to tweak a published arc, But if i trun auto save on it says "null" I dont wanna lose my whole days work on a crash again. SOo basically is there a way to get auto save working on a published arc?, or do i just republish, I get tried of updating my Sig and mision number all the time.. any tips?

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe that the published arc becomes "unlinked" from its local counterpart when edited online (thus why online changes do not reflect on local arcs). You might be able to get around this by using the 'Save As...' option and specifying the local arc file name (thus overwriting it) - from then on auto-saves should save to that file. Not for sure though because I haven't done much editing of online arcs yet to see the effect.



2, I opened the editor and clicked on the main mission setting page, aka the pen, and when to look at the suveiener and the text was just blinking and flashing soo i couldnt read it. I tried clicking on the text but it didnt help. this is the only text that has done this to date.

[/ QUOTE ]I have read that some fields that are close to the text limit (i.e. 3000 chars for Souvenir text) will do this - seems to be a bug with how the field resizes itself to fit the text or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a bit busy at work, so this is a bit rushed - but to my understanding, here's what's probably happening...

I think it's because things like newlines are inserted afterwards - for example, if you have two newlines like so:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>

</pre><hr />
Whereas it actually will look like:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
</pre><hr />

The newlines don't count as any characters (or it might count as one, I'm not actually sure) - but here's the kicker - the HTML for a newline is &lt;br&gt; which 4 characters - so if you're close to the character cap without the &lt;br&gt;, you might be over it with the &lt;br&gt; inserted.



bugged text fixed itself.. i was at 1200 words..

and im not adding new missions, im revamping some text, and doing lots of little fixes, stuff many people wont even notice unless they are paying attention. Tweaking a boss text here, a clue there, altering some other things like changing some glowy text, timers, that sorta crap.. Its all little polish tweaks, Nothing that i dont thnk requires a compeltely new publish..

Out side the fact not ONE person has played it, or atleast rated/commented sence if has been published for over a week.. Soo in that sence im not worried.

BTW ive ran through it a bunch of times, Its been pretty well tested by me.



Text color..

oky, im in the text feild, I added {M1} to the clue, highligheted to change it to light blue, all the options on right click im getting are Copy/cut/past



Text color..

oky, im in the text feild, I added {M1} to the clue, highligheted to change it to light blue, all the options on right click im getting are Copy/cut/past

[/ QUOTE ]

It means that field doesn't support text formatting



thanks, figured that out eventually.

But now i got another problem. When i republished the arc i had some stuff break for some reason, I didnt change anything but clue text and some other misclanous stuff.

But now, every time i try to switch this one character to spawn on the first character rescue i get some circluar logic error.

It says, you cant get A to spawn cause B needs A to spawn.. which i know what its trying to say but its not what i have it set at

Oky way it works..

first room, rescue girl off of front door enterance clue.

talk to her, she tells you of 2 freinds to rescue.

you should meet the first of the 2, on the way back to the boss. once she is rescued, the clue changes from 2 freinds to, to rescue Jenna. If you skip her, it should go from 2 freinds to save, to escort jenna, 1 friend to save

last room is the boss, a ritual and and jenna, You save her, defeat the boss, destory a alter. then nav texts says lead her out, She also spawns a boss near the exit to help further the story.

Anyways, for some reason every time i try to make her spawn on the first girl, "frightened girl" It gives me this circlaur logic error.

I cant for the life of me figure it out, cause, Its only spawn her on "frightend girl" complete, and "frightend Girl" Is spawned on mission lauch, soo there is no way for her NOT to spawn, unless you dont save the first mission criticle girl, and being in the first room and she always pops there, there should be no reason to pass her and not to get the other to spawn.., which is what the error is telling me

If You wanna see for yourself, go check out my mission, it shouldnt take more than 5-10 if you just skip mobs.

The mission works perfectly as it is now, the only thing thats NOT working is the Nav clues.. Jenna is showing up before she should on nav bar, but as soon as you rescue frightened girl it works correctly. The main reason is i have her spawning on mission start, But the nav bar fixes it self after you rescue the first girl.

I also need to tweak last boss text slightly as i did have him spawning earlier before, soo he has pre boss stop clues now, instead of Post.. Minor detail.. will fix that on next pass. But i really want to get this nav bar figured out and why its giving me this error



still havent solved it.. any suggestions?



I had this problem in one of my arcs. I had to re-order the details to get it to work, which unfortunately you can't do through the UI (at least not directly). The easiest way to do it is to open the storyarc file in a text editor and use copy/paste on the detail blocks.

If your mission is published already, though, you can't really do this if you want to keep your ratings. So you'd have to delete the details and re-create them in the order you need them to be. It's very frustrating, I know, but that's the only solution I know of at the moment.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



For some reason doing that made the arc invalid.

I did fix it though by replacing the bosses and escorts in the right order and they are working right..



OKy.. i got my spawning right, and everything seams to be working except for my Nav bar again.

Now after i resuce the second girl, I get "spunky girl" showing up in nav bar. This is the name of the second girl you rescue. When you save her, Its supose to say "Save Jenna !" thats what i have writen in jenna's singular text. Her plural is "friends to save"

After you rescue her, its supose to say "Lead Jenna out of the sewere" thats in escort text.

None of this stuff is showing up. It just stays at "spunky girl" Which ironically is NOT something that is writen anywhere.



Someone made fun of me wheN I14 was on Test, for suggesting that events should be able to be dragged into the order you need in the MA editor....



OKy.. i got my spawning right, and everything seams to be working except for my Nav bar again.

Now after i resuce the second girl, I get "spunky girl" showing up in nav bar. This is the name of the second girl you rescue. When you save her, Its supose to say "Save Jenna !" thats what i have writen in jenna's singular text. Her plural is "friends to save"

After you rescue her, its supose to say "Lead Jenna out of the sewere" thats in escort text.

None of this stuff is showing up. It just stays at "spunky girl" Which ironically is NOT something that is writen anywhere.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you editing from a published mission or a local one?

Try this

(1) If its a published mission, click edit, then save as to maker sure this version of the arc is the local one. If its a local arc you are testing, you can skip this step.

(2) Look for the *.storyarc file in your City of Heroes\Missions directory and open the one that matches the filename of your mission with your favorite text editor (notepad works fine for this)

(3) Do a search (Edit-&gt;Find in Notepad) for "spunky girl" (without the quotes)

This will at least tell you if the text is in the file at all, and if so which detail it is showing up from.

If that doesn't work, you can always copy the text and post it up for us to look through