Allow a solo player to spawn larger mob sizes.




Farming throws off the market.

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You're wrong.



She won't listen.

Even with proof, facts, testimonial, and 8x10 glossy photos with a description on the back of each.



They've also made TFs once per day events. Can't get the same reward twice in a day.

They've also been asked in interviews how they'll stop exploiters (which is what farmers are) from gaining max reward at minimum risk.

You can no longer spawn snake eggs in MA arcs.

You can no longer spawn Vampyri Generators in MA Arcs.

You get no salvage or recipe drops from MA arcs.

All custom MA enemies must now have at least 1 attack based set.

All of these things were put in place to AVOID farming of 'easy' content with high rewards.

The Devs are against Farming.

The market does not get 'better' because of Farming. It gets new items, yes, but it also gets millions more influence and infamy, which cause further inflation even though the supply of the pieces in demand are higher.

This is still a bad idea.


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Actually the devs are against people burning out from repeating the same content to boredom.

And the devs are against people getting max rewards for minimum risk.

Don't combine or confuse those two.

The devs allready added the dificulty settings so players can up their missions. Apparantly its still not enough for some.

And farming??? Be honest, farming has entered the game with easily accessed repeatable content missions.



Ultimately, farming being 'bad' or 'good' is relative. Its a perspective issue and everyone has their own.

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And the Developers have made motions to stop it, they're constantly pulling farming missions off the Architect. They've stopped the 'easy' enemies from being created.

So yes. It's a matter of Perspective. But the perspective that matters the most is the perspective of those who write the game. Change their perspective from Bad to Good and then we'll talk about it.

The OP listed 3 'Pros' and 0 'Cons' for his idea. This obviously shows that it was less than fully thought out.

Here are some Cons for you.

1. Economic crash. As the Influence/Infamy farms expand further by the ease of farming caused by this change far more influence and infamy will hit the market. Inflation will skyrocket.

And while there would be more influence in your prediction, there would also be more recipes etc on the market, the one balancing the other meaning that prices will stAY THE SAME

2. Social interaction will drop off. At least with the current situation of 'forced teaming' the farmers have to invite people to the team. Which means at least NOMINAL interaction.
People who PAD their mission do not take their teammates along, they kick them when they enter the mission....some social interaction. In other words, social interaction only occurs with teams that CHOOSE to play as a team
3. Purples and Rares will become more common. Not really a 'Con' to most farmers, but it's really bad for the game when you think about it. Without challenge what's the point? Ever beat a game solely on the basis of having cheat codes? Ever play it again for more than five minutes? You just said that with more inf on the market prices will go up. Well here you just made the argument I meant, more inf and more stuff to buy in equal ratio's means prices will still remain the same.

4. The Gulf of Haves and Have Nots becomes Larger. As it is some people will turn people down for teaming unless they have specific power choices or IO sets to boost their abilities. Expand that further by the perceived 'requirement' of farming for inf/IOs. In a game ofdiffering strengths and economics there are ALWAYS haves and have nots. they exist right now, and they existed in CoH beta. As a melee I hate knockback, so I turn down energy blasters etc, they are my have-nots.

5. Boring. Farming is an incredibly boring CHORE to some people. Doing the same thing over and over for no reason is work, not play. It becomes stale and dull. This could (and likely would) lead to a drop-off in players once the economy gets to the point of farming being required to buy set pieces (Thanks, Inflation!) Haha now you try the opposing arguments you used again: What is it gonna be, are recipes gonna be cheap so there is no challenge? or expensive so you -have- to farm? Neither as long as the inf and drop ratio stay the same, prices will remain the same.

So yeah. You're looking at an economic crash leading to the eventual death of the game through a logical process of perceived need through the implementation of your idea.


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Rachel, none of your arguments were strong enough to withstand the simplest of logic.

Either way, what is proposed is something that is being done at the moment: padding missions. If the devs didnt like padding then they would have mobs despawn when people leave the team. And your argument that this is low risk-high reward? How is more enemies lowrisk?