How do you remove a mob from a custom group?




I accidentally added some of the unique bosses into my normal custom group, so the mission likes to spawn when it has the option to spawn bosses in normal spawn points. Is there a way to remove the mob from my group? I currently have it in both my main group AND my unique bosses only group, so as far as I know it's even taking up double the space



Easiest way is to go into the City of Heroes folder on your PC- there is a new folder in there called Custom-Critter. Each custom enemy is their own file within this folder, just delete the unwanted ones. (They actually have the file extention .CRITTER, that made me laugh)

If the critter has the same name, you might wanna go into the MA first and add a 1 to the guy you want to delete, just to differentiate.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



There's a way to do it in the MA interface.

If you put the Custom Group as the Group name on your critter's "ID Card" (where you typed in the name and description for the critter), you will have to go in there and change the Group to a different one.

If you added it in the My Groups interface, you can click on it in the My Groups interface and remove it from there.

Good luck!

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Formerly of Perils of Paula!



Seems to me this might be a very common question for the noob mission builder (such as myself) and does not seem apparent while you are in the Mission editor. Sticky?



I tried deleting a critter from my main group, but it says that its part of my base group, and won't allow it. Then I tried moving it over to a second group, but all it did was copy the critter from one to the next, so now I have 2 versions of the same critter. I also went to my program files list of critters and deleted it, restarted the game, but I still have the same problem.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?



After deleting the .critter files, go into the files for the group it was a member of and deleted the section dealing with that critter. It may be easier to just delete the group file and then recreate the group with the MA tools.

Then go into the Missions folder and delete all of the sections that deal with that critter and possibly the group, then use the MA editing tools to re-build the group and re-edit the mission.

These files will open in Notepad or likely any text editor. I prefer Notepad since I know it isn't going to be saving any extra text or parsing anything into HTML that might invalidate the file.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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