New Super Group Rank: Super Leader! ~Discussion~




All I was saying is I hope things like those you listed, and other things that have been asked for repeatedly get some attention soon.

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I know.

I'm just getting sick of "wait til next issue". Especially on things that have had that philosophy for many issues now. (ie, offline demoting.)



I must be in some really weird supergroups if everyone is worried about this new rank...I don't think ANY of my SGs are going to be impacted at all, even those with multiple co-leaders. It's just a rank. It doesn't mean much beyond that to any of us.

[/ QUOTE ]Pretty much exactly the thought I had. All of the SGs I'm in have multiple leaders...and it doesn't really matter to any of us who gets the Super-Leader position. Even with multiple leaders, it's not like the Rank 5s are now they can still share leadership with the Rank 6.



"Nor is there any sort of offline SG invite or SG request-to-join."

My suggestion for SG request to join is for individuals who see the SG they want to join to be able to go the the guy in Atlas who creates the SG and base and takes our upkeep cost to be the one we "file" with to join.

Lets say I have a toon who wants to join Heroes R' US SG we talk to the guy in Atlas find the SG we want to join and add our name to a petition. The SG leaders of that SG will be able to see a list of everyone who Petitioned and at that point click yes or no to accept the new member or no to deny him.

Once the SG leader clicks yes it will send a promt to the requesting toon if he would like to join the SG (if hes on right then) and if not online it sends him the request as soon as he loggs in.



"Nor is there any sort of offline SG invite or SG request-to-join."

My suggestion for SG request to join is for individuals who see the SG they want to join to be able to go the the guy in Atlas who creates the SG and base and takes our upkeep cost to be the one we "file" with to join.

Lets say I have a toon who wants to join Heroes R' US SG we talk to the guy in Atlas find the SG we want to join and add our name to a petition. The SG leaders of that SG will be able to see a list of everyone who Petitioned and at that point click yes or no to accept the new member or no to deny him.

Once the SG leader clicks yes it will send a promt to the requesting toon if he would like to join the SG (if hes on right then) and if not online it sends him the request as soon as he loggs in.

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I approve this suggestion.