Saving from Notepad
You should be able to just add a .cohdemo extension to your file by typing it in. For example, if your demo was named cityofheroes, just type in cityofheroes.cohdemo and save it as a text file. The part about administrator rights sounds like a vista issue, so I can't help you there.
When you're going to save the file, change 'Save as type' to 'All Files', then simply type the full name (making sure it ends with '.cohdemo'). That way it'll give it the right extension.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
That's what I have been doing exactly. I get "GWCell.cohdemo already exists. Do you want to replace it?" I click yes.
"Cannot create the C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\client_demos\GWCell.cohdemo file
Make sure that the path and file name are correct" If I play the original GWCell.cohdemo file or any cohdemo file it plays on the launcher, I just can't save on notepad. I have windows vista 64-bit OP
Save it to another file. Go ahead and let it stick .txt on the end. No biggy, just rename it to .cohdemo and you're fine.
Regarding the rights thing - yeah. That's why I install the game to another folder. Program Files is SUPPOSED to be just for files used to run a program. Unfortunately, City of Heroes sticks all sorts of other things in there. Things that should be somewhere in your documents folder. Now you're paying the price.
Try saving the file somewhere else - like in your documents folder. Then manually copy the file to the client_demos folder, which will require that you put in your admin password. Or you could just log in as admin and do all your edits there. (Make sure you run CoH at least once as admin and set up all your options. That will help Demo Launcher run better.)
It works, thank you Zloth.
Hi all I'm new to demorecording and editing so please bare with me.
I can open the files on notepad, but I can't save it in a format that Zloth's Demo Launcher can read. I can only save it as a regular text file not cohdemo. which to my knowledge is required to run on the launcher. When I attempt to save, it either says I need administrator rights, cannot create C:\Program. . ., or save as a text file. What do I need to do? Thank you all for any help.