Guide to LRSF Sleep Method
Thanks for making this guide. Good read.
Just to put in my 2 cents.
1) Keep MH going like a clock. Trying to extend the amount of time between casts is asking for a wipe.
2) I wouldn't use mezmerize until the first hero has been pulled. This is just to ensure that you have absolutely no aggro on the first pull.
3) Stealth isn't mandatory, but it is helpful enough that you'll want it.
4) There is no way around having to wait for Unstoppable to wear off Statesman.
5) Try to coordinate with the puller. Better yet, have it so that they have to wait for your word to pull (and they can respond fast).
6) Always, always, always pay attention to the pull. In case it gets hit by MH right after its pulled, make sure to quickly hit it with your lowest damage ranged attack to pop the sleep.
7) Numina can be pulled first, but the puller needs to make sure he never loses aggro on her until she is out of los of the rest of the FP. As soon as Numina is aggro, but not on anyone in specific, she starts handing out clear minds. If you're not aggro, try to use MH to sleep her to break her buffing cycle.
As much as I hate to interject this... A perma plant dom can keep them asleep just as easy, if not easier since the recharge on Spores, w/ perma dom, is around 6-10 seconds. Fortunata Hypnosis slotted in it and you can stack sleep w/o a problem. I've done it. Spore's recharges fast enough and has a large enough aoe effect that you can hit every one of them w/o a problem targeting through Cit. If for some reason you miss w/ sprores then just use seeds that way IF they decide to wake up they attack each other for 2 seconds instead of you, just enough time to put them all back to sleep.
The puller can be either a corruptor or a dominator, you just have to make sure the brute taunts the AV before being pulled
Also the AV can be debuffed by rad/therm/kin debuffs before being pulled/awakened, as long as these don't do damage
As much as I hate to interject this... A perma plant dom can keep them asleep just as easy, if not easier since the recharge on Spores, w/ perma dom, is around 6-10 seconds. Fortunata Hypnosis slotted in it and you can stack sleep w/o a problem. I've done it. Spore's recharges fast enough and has a large enough aoe effect that you can hit every one of them w/o a problem targeting through Cit. If for some reason you miss w/ sprores then just use seeds that way IF they decide to wake up they attack each other for 2 seconds instead of you, just enough time to put them all back to sleep.
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Spores causes aggro, whereas Mass Hypnosis doesn't. And plant doesn't have the backup ST sleep like mind does in Mezmerize
Spores only causes agro if you get to close. Other than that, no agro associated w/ it.
Edit: started a topic in the Dom section about Spores and the LRSF. Not going to fill up the guide w/ a debate. here
Anyway, this isn't a guide to doing it with a plant dom. It's a guide to doing it with a mind dom
I remember when a Mind dom from the European boards, came and posted this method a few years ago. Everyone laughed and said it wasn't possible and that she (or he?) was making it up. The dom boards have come a long way since then! Thanks for posting this...also who do we talk to get this posted in the Guides section for Dominators?
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
1) Do the Procs chance to heal and/or chance to placate effect effect the strategies?
2) When facing the Platforn from City Hall:
2a) Where do you stand? Left side, Right side, Middle?
2b) Which hero do you target for Mass Hypnosis?
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
1) Chance to heal is fine. I haven't tested placate nor do I know how it works, so dunno for that one.
2a) Middle, but it doesnt really matter as long as you break line of sight and can see what's going on
2b) I target statesman
Spores only causes agro if you get to close. Other than that, no agro associated w/ it.
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This is not true.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
This requires a mind dominator that has permadom. You need mass hypnosis and mesmerize, both well slotted for accuracy, sleep, and recharge. The kismet unique and tactics can help as well, but are not needed. You also want a brute on your team with taunt and a ranged single target attack. Make sure they do not have any procs in taunt. Furthermore, you want some sort of stealth. Super speed plus a stealth IO is what I use.
So, the heroes are situated on a platform. During the cutscene, Statesman will activate unstoppable. You must wait until unstoppable drops before doing anything. This usually takes about 2 minutes and you can tell by the aura around him. Everyone except you should be away from the platform. Once unstoppable drops, go right under the edge of the platform (with your stealths on). Do mass hypnosis by jumping up and activating it, so that it happens once you are back under the platform. If you miss anyone on this first try, just wait until mass hypnosis recharges. Do NOT use mesmerize yet. Keep trying mass hypnosis until it does not miss anyone.
Once you manage this, you will keep hitting mass hypnosis whenever it recharges. Use mesmerize on anyone that mass hypnosis misses, as quickly as you can. Use the jump method for mesmerize as well so that the heroes have no chance of hitting you. Tell the puller to pull. They should wait until right after a mass hypnosis, then taunt, and then use the single target ranged attack. The order in which they pull does not matter, as long as Numina is last. This is because, on occasion, if you pull Numina first, she will start clear minding heroes. I recommend pulling manticore first, as he is the only hero that has powers which can hit you below the platform. Be sure to stay away from the puller, as you don't want to be hit with any AOEs.
- pulling numina first
- not using a brute with taunt and a ranged single target attack. it can be done without, but you need to be extremely careful to not wake anyone else up and to keep aggro from the mind dom
- not using mesmerize the instant mass hypnosis misses someone
- using mesmerize before your first succesful mass hypnosis
- letting dom drop
- not doing mass hypnosis as soon as it recharges
- not waiting for statesman's unstoppable to drop
- not using some sort of stealth. it can be done without, but you need to be extremely careful about getting your first succesful mass hypnosis
- trying to use the sleep method after already screwing up. if you've screwed up, it can be salvaged, but it's often best just to let the mission reset by logging out