A Guide to Farming (without annoying people)




You forgot about the stop rikti bombing for both heroes and vills. but any way good guide i think



Don't forget the snake farm! It's that Raid the Snake Temple thing from Operative Grillo. Just be mindful of the toxic damage.



Quick reply,

SOme one said earlier that spines/fire should be removed. I think spines/fire is a very very good farmer. with properly slotted tentacles can solo or herd spawns and demolish them rather quickly. And if it is a farming team where it has access to fulcrum in a dual farming scenario it is just a beast unmatched in farming capability. hop in the kins farm just long enough to grab fulcrum and go kill 2 spawns before it wears off then go find the kin again.



Just a quick ?

Is there a farming request Channel?



Design > intent. The can intend for us to hold hands and sing songs all day while RP'ing, but they have DESIGNED the game to be very farm centric in every aspect.

You don't need to farm to achieve things in this game, but if you want accolades, badges, IO's, or more than one lvl 50 in any reasonable time you are basically presented with few options.

The INTENDED for this game to be a casual play experience and for many it is. They have attempted to extend the life of the game and turn people from casuals into more serious players through design. The design decisions have resulted in hard to obtain accolades, badges, and IO's.

And to this day the only way to level a toon is by defeating mobs. That design decision means that they can intend for us to do w/e they want, but as long as kills = progress people that move beyond the casual category will be tempted to farm in one form or another.



I used to know someone who claimed that if someone failed to "adequately" secure their property, he was justified in taking it. That others called this "theft" concerned him not at all, unless he was caught and punished for it. If a thing was possible, it was okay for him to do it.

The intent of the Devs has, IMO, been made adequately clear over the last five years. Their failure (so far) or inability to close off every possible means of exploiting the game should not, again IMO, be taken as any sort of permission to do so, any more than leaving the door of a house or apartment unlocked (or with a lock that's easily picked) entitles you to take the contents.

On Topic - My guide to farming:

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Because breaking clearly established laws = farming in Cox?

for every example of anti-farm you can list ( which is likely anti-exploit farming, but people are really struggling to discern the difference) I can probably list something the devs have added that is pro-farming and is still in the game.

exploit farming =/= farming.



That's the issue, right there.

Exploit farming is bad.

Not all users know that exploit farming is not the same as "standard" herd-and-nuke tactics, or running instances heavy in certain rare types of mobs (carnie Master Ills, or fake nemmies, or whatever).

Also there's the association (spurious) that "farmer" = "gold farmer" which is someone who farms for inf to sell to players as an RMT enterprise. "Gold Farming" is also considered 'bad'.

Then there's the 'Farming' that occurs on PL teams, where the team makeup is engineered to maximize XP if run over and over and over. Again, a lot of people have negative thoughts on the practice of powerleveling, especially if 'paid for' or as a precursor to 'selling' a Level 50 account to someone else, again RMT-wise. There's also the assumption that a PL'd player has no real grasp of tactics or playstyle on their characters cos they never really DID anything with them while leveling up, or being leveled up.

This leads to the RMT spammers "PL'ing" their low characters up past the restricted levels so they can start sending spam.

Notice in the above that we're not talking about ALL players, just select groups of them. However, those select groups, small minorities when compared to the whole playerbase, can affect the whole playerbase by their actions, tactics, mannerisms, playstyles, and so forth. They are the MMO "outcasts", people we'd rather not have to deal with, because any measures taken to curb their activities also affects the entire playerbase, often to their detriment (the limits imposed on trial accounts, for example).

... which leads (go ahead, take a breath) to the blanket assumption "Farming Is Bad". It's not, but many of the abuses of the system come about via farming methods.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I thought pvp was the source of all evil? now it is farming? or is it farming pvp'ers? or pvp'ers farming?



Farming, PvP, markets, wholesale nerfage of powers, ED, and the nonexistant Moon Zone.

Yes yes, all bad. Bad bad bad. GERROFF MAH LAHWN! Damn kids...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."