Kid Hero/Villain Body Types




I've been trying to come up with a younger hero or villain for a while now and I just can't seem to get the body to look "right". I've seen many people post their costumes about their kid-looking characters and I'm still having trouble.

Can someone post a picture of the body sliders that they use to get their look right? or just post some pointers on where to increase or decrease the sliders?




size slider down to say.. 5 ft or so... and head and cranium sliders alllllll the way to max... make a small non-muscluer body with no real muscles and long legs, short shoulders.. err... I will post when I figure out how to screenshoot in cox ....

what look you goin for????



Heh, i was gonna write a guide on this here's some chunks of that I had...

You should increase the HEAD sliders almost all the way, except the nose and chin. Even out the cheeks and forehead to stretch out the eyes. Make sure to select one of the "youthful" face textures (one or two of the mystic ones may work, too)

Don't select any hair style with a receding hair line or that leaves any part of the head bald. Yeah, i know some kids shave their heads or whatnot, but the only way to create a "kid" in this game is to weave an illusion... anything that calls into question whether or not the character is a teenager will ruin the entire thing.

Keep you teen between 5 and 6 feet tall. Any less just looks weird, and any more snaps the illusion (even though irl, teenagers can be 4 feet tall or 7 feet tall). If you're going for a kid (say under 14), keep them under 5.5 feet. Don't minimize the height slider though: after a certain point, you just look like a midget, not a child, because the proportions don't change. There's a radical world of difference between an 8 year old and a 13 year old, and the game barely allows you to create the later.

For body sliders, you wanna be careful. Start with "thin".

Don't makes legs too short, but don't make them too long, either. The younger the character, the shorter the legs. All the way to the bottom looks a bit silly, but it may be what you have to do.

Chest sliders: start at around minimum. If your teen is supposed to be well-built or whatever, you can nudge it up a bit. Kids should stay at minimum, and then given a baggy shirt to cover any details.

Try to even out the waist and hips (which would involve bringing out the waist slider and bringing in the hips). On slightly older character, particularly girls, you can start giving them "back" their hips.

For a costume, use sleek tights, so that you don't see any muscles or detail. Give them as full of a costume as possible, and use anything that makes their hands, feet, and head look bigger; this will distort them and make them appear more out-of-proportion for an adult, conveying the illusion of youth. For normal clothes, or if having a b cup on your female is too much, use a baggy shirt or an armored top or anything that covers the boobies.

Don't go making your character half naked. Now, even if you're a teen and it's okay for you to lust over other teens, it's poor taste for one, and second (and more importantly), it'll kill the illusion. Not just because most teenagers don't have a d cup and walk around wearing nothing but leather straps, but the body models have a level of muscular detail, even on women, which looks a touch out of place for a kid or teen, again calling into question the validity of the illusion.

Too lazy to post picture examples, but maybe later.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Good advice already. Key tricks:
<ul type="square"> [*]5' to 5'7 [*]Thin build[*]"Youthful" or "Intellectual" head shape [*]Choose a young face[*]Full head of hair[*]Smooth top[*]Narrow hips and shoulders[/list]
As soon as the smooth chest option went into the game, I made my first teen character. It's perfect for that.

My kid characters:

Barbarian Boy - "12"

Mighty Lad - 16

Monster Child - 15
Monster Child with bio

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



This is how I make mine:

5'5" - 5'9" Height

Body Sliders turned all the way down

Youthful head shape

Young Face 5

And the most important part (for me that is): Oversized gloves and boots. Don't have to be huge, just bigger than normal. I typically use the Large or Banded glove/boot types if there isn't another type of glove I plan to use.

Polpettino 2
Polpettino 3

Performer 2

Pitfall 2

Trickshooter 2

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



Ok, thanks for all the tips. I'll post a costume as soon as I get it finished.



Here are her scales sliders

Note that I made her legs very long, but her other sliders are almost all the way to the minimum. The main thing is to make the shoulders and chest narrow, and her head and forehead very large. That's what creates that childish look.

She's a teen, (around 15) which is why she has the longer legs. If you make the legs short, it makes the look much younger. In fact, since you can't make the breasts go away altogether, I find short legs to look a little odd on girls, since it makes them look around 10, but the chest suggests more around 13. Note that if you make the legs really long, though, it makes the body smaller by comparison, so the extremes actually work better than the middle. (If I could give Sandy really long legs AND arms, like she just had a growth spurt, that would make the look perfect)

By contrast, boys with shorter legs look much closer to 10. Here's a male version of my Sandy character. (He calls himself Stepynnwulf) Actually, I think the legs are around the half position there, I have another character who looks younger, but unfortunately I have no pics of him.



Click on My Paragon Family Swift link in my sig. Ione and Timmy are supposed to be 11ish twins.

Oversized gloves and boots help.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very nice. I like your Splasher background, too.

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Thanks, it is the old workshop in my base

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations