Dealing with Unruly, Bully, etc. Players
Just a couple editing notes:
The old /gignore only ignored the player's global, ie chat in global channels and global tells. To stop their characters from harassing you, you had to individually /ignore all their characters. Of course, with the new system, this point is moot.
RMT stands for Real Money Trade or Real Money Transfer, and refers to the selling of in-game items, currency, or services for real cash.
The /ignore command can also be accessed by right-clicking the character themselves, if they are standing within line of sight.
Also, /help is not cross-server. It is cross-faction but same-server. And only cross-faction if the trial account lets themselves see opposite-faction text.
Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)
The Moderators... can ban the account if it is being too disruptive. I really don't know why this hasn't happened more.
[/ QUOTE ]
You don't? I think it's rather obvious. We buy the game to have fun, but NCSoft didn't make the game purely for our purposes. NCSoft made the game to make money. Accounts provide NCSoft with money. Banning accounts causes them to lose money.
So bans are something that are only going to be worth the company's loss of money if a player is so utterly disruptive that they are causing other people to _quit the game_ rather than use the other tools available to them, the most simple and effective of which is the /ignore command.
I have experienced behaviors of a player that were so offensive that I /ignored them. I could imagine behaviors so offensive that I would /petition them, while recognizing that most likely little will come of it. I'm having a hard time imagining what behavior a player of the game could do that would be SO obnoxious that it would cause other people to quit the game in outrage--while still knowing that the company did not invite, endorse, or encourage the player to be obnoxious, and in fact provides many mechanisms to ignore said player and discourages said obnoxious behaviors.
Hence, banning is quite rare.
Good guide! I have three nit-picks:
<ul type="square">[*]Some people know why they don't like something, but can't accept that that is the way things are going to be. They can't let it go, and they keep posting regardless of anything. These posters need to get over it and let it go.
[/ QUOTE ][/list]It's not that the poster needs to get over it. It's that you (the reader) need to stop reading about something you've decided is "never going to change." Naturally what will and won't change is one more thing for people to disagree about-- sometimes even productively.
Nothing prevents anyone from not reading posts and posters they're not interested in; at some point, we all have to be adults and be responsible for where our own eyeballs go. Not that there aren't whole coalitions in this game that try to protect their members from any possibility of seeing any sort of disagreement. But that approach is not only self-defeating, it unecessarily discourages communication.
It's always been completely unreasonable to demand others not discuss something because somebody else has already talked about it and made up their mind. The "dead horse" trope is probably the stupidest argument regularly deployed by otherwise intelligent people.
<ul type="square">[*]Just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean that they are wrong. Many times disagreement is just a matter of opinion. State your case or reply to theirs with your counter-argument. There is no need to call names or insult people while doing this. [/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
Abjuring unnecessary name calling is good advice. I hasten to point out, however, that when two (or more) people disagree, it's absolutely certain that at least one of them is wrong. (To do with reality being objective.) Remarking about a view's status as "opinion" is ambiguous, at best. It would be better if we just acknowledged that people have different degrees of justifiable certainty about all sorts of things.
***** Everyone needs to decide for themselves if someone has become too offensive, too negative, or useless to deal with. At this point, there is only one option. Notify the Moderator and put them on ignore in the forums.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's a problem with this: the very real possibility of threads with productive information in them being deleted entirely when individual efforts at trolling are brought to moderator attention. This caveat should be mentioned if you're going to hand out advice to notify moderators.
You're right to point out that this finally hinges on individual judgement, of course, and I'm sure nobody disputes that moderators play an important role. Probably mods would say this is something we're obliged to do re: any example of at least certain kinds of violations, but it's worth knowing the consequences of obeying the rules, if for no other reason, then to know whether one can participate here in good faith.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
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Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
when two (or more) people disagree, it's absolutely certain that at least one of them is wrong. (To do with reality being objective.)
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I would disagree with that, since people disagree often on things that are a matter of personal perferance. Is superspeed better than fly? Is a tanker useless unless they take taunt? Is Key Lime cheesecake better than chocolate mousse cake (man, now I want both!)? If people only disgreed about the number crunching stuff, then your statement would be quite corect. But people argue about the subjective frequently, not just the objective.
I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.
See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.
when two (or more) people disagree, it's absolutely certain that at least one of them is wrong. (To do with reality being objective.)
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I would disagree with that, since people disagree often on things that are a matter of personal perferance. Is superspeed better than fly? Is a tanker useless unless they take taunt? Is Key Lime cheesecake better than chocolate mousse cake (man, now I want both!)? If people only disgreed about the number crunching stuff, then your statement would be quite corect. But people argue about the subjective frequently, not just the objective.
[/ QUOTE ]
When somebody asks a question like "is broccoli or cauliflower better?" one of two things is going on:
1) Context sufficiently explains what "better" means. For example:
...a) If, in context, better means "greener," then the person who says cauliflower is definitely wrong.
...b) If, in context, better means "Enantiodromos will prefer it for lunch on 12/26/08," then the person who says cauliflower is definitely wrong.
2) Context does not define "better," in which case both parties are wrong beacuse they're speaking gibberish-- all answers might as well be "Ceci n'est pas un chou."
As a rule, when people have ambiguous disagreements about personal taste, both parties are definitely wrong.
This satisfies my description, which is not that "precisely one party is wrong," (which would not be true in case #2), but rather "at least one party is wrong."
It's long been popular to claim that people's inability to say what they mean, and/or willingness to babble incoherently, constitute examples of "everybody is right, even when they disagree." But really, it's just a cop-out of those who don't care about anything except the most superficial kind of "harmony." (Essentially, the harmony of silence and the grave.)
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
I just know when people disagree with me, they are wrong.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
[[NOTE :: Please excuse this re-post, but it was listed in a deletable forum and, therefore, I'm moving here to be of use to the community.]
At some time or another, you may run into a player that you would rather not game with. There are features to help you do just that. That is what I am going to outline here.
There is additional information on how to deal with Cyber-Stalking listed here ::
All Users
Command and Function Explanations
<ul type="square">[*] /ignore charactername[*] /gignore charactername[*] /gignore @globalhandle[*] Left click on the character name in the chat window and use the "ignore player" option[*] Right click on the character name in the team window and use the "ignore player" option[/list]
***** All of these options do the same thing. It sets that player up in your ignore list and ignores all messages from all that player account's characters. The commands used to do different things, but they all apparently do the same thing now.
[History :: Originally, /ignore charactername was a character ignore and you had to use it on each character. Then /gignore @globalhandle was added to be able to ignore all of a players characters. Then the /gignore charactername was added to make it easier to ignore all a player's characters as there was not an easy way to get a person's global handle if they weren't chatting on a global channel unless you /gfriend-ed them. Then the click on character name for options was added and that "ignore charactername" feature was a character ignore. Apparently, in i12, the systems were merged; so that /ignore charactername, /gignore charactername, /gignore @globalhandle, the "ignore charactername" selection in the charactername draw down menu, all "globally" ignore that player's account. That is to say it ignores all tells from that player's account sent by any means.]
***** This is the best way of getting a stalker off your back. I'm not talking about the the archetype. Also see Add Note below. I suggest you use that for stalkers as well.
***** There is a limit to the number of accounts that you can /gignore. When you go past that number, the newest account is /gignored and the oldest account on your /gignore list is removed.
<ul type="square">[*] /petition charactername[*] /petition @globalhandle[/list]
*****This will put you into the /petition reporting screen. At the top you will see some radio buttons. Click on the Conduct button on the upper right. In the window below, clearly state the character name, account name if possible, server, hero or villain side, and what that character was doing. If it is chat related, then make sure to say the time, timezone, and which channel the chat was happening. If you don't have enough room, don't worry - you will be sent an e-mail and you can make a longer reply later if necessary.
***** You can also take screenshots to use as evidence. You should turn the user interface on to do this. Use /screenshotui 1 to turn on the interface showing up in screenshots and /screenshotui 0 to turn it back off if you don't want the user interface showing in a future screenshot. With the user interface on, hit the print screen button on your keyboard. This will place a picture of your current screen in the Program Files\City of Heroes\screenshots folder which is probably on your C: drive (unless you installed the game someplace else). You will not be able include this through the /petition command, but you will be able to attach it to the e-mails you get or the possible follow-up through the NCSoft website. Make sure that any text you are concerned about is showing on the screen so that you can have visual record of it as well.
*****/petition's won't be responded to very promptly and you may never know what happens in regards to it. It is a good thing to use, but, if you don't like that players behavior, I always suggest using /gignore.
***** If all your information won't fit in the initial report, keep good records and provide this information when replying to the e-mail that you will be sent in regards to the incident.
<ul type="square">[*] "Spam" button in the e-mail window.[/list]
***** This reports the account as a RMT (aka Random Message Tell, a goldfarmer, influence/infamy and/or power-leveling seller, etc.). If you get a message about using real world money to buy something in game, report them using this button. It is against the EULA to send these messages. Help stop the RMT spammers by reporting them.
***** This function works like /gignore and /gignore's the e-mail sender's account. There is a limit to the number of accounts that you can /gignore. When you go past that number, the newest account is /gignored and the oldest account on your /gignore list is removed.
<ul type="square">[*] /ignore_spammer[*] Left click on character name in chat window, use pull down option "ignore spammer"[*] Right click on character name in team window, use pull down option "ignore spammer"[/list]
***** Ignoring someone as a spammer, reports the account as a RMT (aka Random Message Tell, a goldfarmer, influence/infamy and/or power-leveling seller, etc.).
***** In general, I have understood that this is not for reporting/ignoring players for other reasons. Some players are saying that you can use that for reporting players that are spamming a channel, but I haven't seen any references for it's use in that manner other than players.
***** Usually if you use the /ignore_spammer command or the one in the character name pull down menu, you should still send a /petition about the RMT tell and include the text that the RMT sent you. The e-mail "spam" button is better about this as the e-mail is available for forwarding with the text of what the RMT sent you.
***** This function works like /gignore and /gignore's the e-mail sender's account. There is a limit to the number of accounts that you can /gignore. When you go past that number, the newest account is /gignored and the oldest account on your /gignore list is removed.
<ul type="square">[*] Add Note[/list]
*****If you left click on a players name in the chat window or right click on them in the team window, you will see a pull-down menu. Click on Add Note. This will open a window where you can put notes on a player as well as rate them.
*****I suggest using the following rating system in order to be able to keep track of players easily.
<ul type="square">[*] Rate them 1 if you don't want to game with them again.[*] Rate them 2 if they are new or their play styles don't fit yours.[*] Rate them 3 if they were fun to team with.[*] Rate them 4 if they were especially cool or you game with them frequently.[*] Rate them 5 if they are one of your friends accounts (people you know).[/list]**** Go into the menu-options-general tab- reticle. At the bottom of the list, change the player rating to "always show". Now when you go through the City, you will see stars over the heads of players that you have rated.
***** Unfortunately, these player ratings don't show up when you are searching for a team, but you can check the player notes from the search screen as well by right clicking the name and checking the "player notes".
What to do when
<ul type="square">[*] Stalkers[/list]
*****And once again, I'm not talking about the archetype. I also don't mean they are "hounding" you in a PvP zone. I'm taking about someone that is following you around and you don't want them to.
*****Tell them to leave you alone.
*****If they continue to stalk you, put them on /gignore. /ignore won't do it as they probably have your global handle (aka account name). The formats are listed above.
*****Once you have them on /gignore, use the /petition function as well and petition the player. If they are doing it to you, they may be doing it to other players as well. If they are doing it to enough players, their account will be banned. Follow the directions listed above under /petition.
<ul type="square">[*] Players with rude or bad language[/list]
***** First off, if you don't want to see cursing, then turn your profanity filter on. It is listed in the menu-options-chat. It is a very good filter, and it will filter out vulgarity.
***** If they are bad mouthing you, you can ask them to stop. If they don't, you can /ignore them or /gignore them and/or you can /petition them. Depending upon what they are doing or saying action might be taken.
<ul type="square">[*] Aggrivating Emotes toward your character[/list]
***** The most obvious of these is someone using the /emote slap, /emote batsmash, etc. That is to say, they are using the emote to strike your avatar.
***** Ask them to stop.
***** If they don't stop, /petition them. If they are reported enough, they will be banned. Using /ignore or /gingore as this behavior is done to avatars that are in visible range.
<ul type="square">[*] Bullies or bad conduct on a team[/list]
***** You always have the right to polite ask someone to stop what they are doing if it is disruptive behavior.
***** If you are a team leader, I suggest giving the person at least three (3) warnings with an explanation as to why their behavior is unacceptable. If they won't listen, feel free to kick them from the team. Most of the time, the rest of the team will understand. If someone speaks up, let them know that you are the team leader and that you warned the person. If they continue giving you a hard time, kick them as well. Use the "add notes" function to rate these disruptive players, I would tend to rate them 1 as I would not want to game with them again. If they are too disruptive, use the /ignore or /gignore functions.
***** If you are a member of the team, your only real option is to let the leader know that if the behavior continues that you are going to quit the team. Then the leader has a choice on their hands, keep a player that is working with a team or kick the disruptive player. The answer seems obvious, but if they won't kick the player, then quit the team. There are other teams out there.
<ul type="square">[*] Bad-mouthing in PvP Zones[/list]
***** This is going to happen. If you don't want to listen to it, then put that player on /ignore.
***** If they go so far as to hound you on your global handle, then /gignore them and /petition them. It's one thing to yell some stuff on /broadcast or to send you a tell, but, to track down through your global to harass you, is not going to go over well with NCSoft.
<ul type="square">[*] Players that threaten you[/list]
***** If another player threatens you in any way, you can ask them to stop. If they don't, you should /gignore them and you should /petition them. Depending upon what they are doing or saying action might be taken. Make sure to follow the directions I gave under /petition in order to give a full account of what is going on.
Trial Account Users
<ul type="square">[*] When you first log in, you are by default chatting on the /help channel. This is good for asking questions and to get a team, but it isn't for general conversation. It is for asking questions.[*] It is okay to look for a team on the /help channel, even if someone in help or in a tell says otherwise. Make sure to note you are on a trial account, what level you are, and if you are a hero or a villain.[*] If you are currently on a team, please change to the team channel. You can do this by clicking on the small "T" over the chat line.[*] If you are chatting with someone near by, pleas use the local channel. You can do this by clicking on the small "L" over the chat line.[*] You are limited to /local, /team, and /help channels, so use them responsibly.[*] You can also change channels by clicking on the channel name in the chat window and you will get a list of channels.[*] Another way to change channnels is to click on the small "A" over the chat line. The "A" is for"active tab". now if you click on tab in the chat windows, you will talk on that default channel for that tab.[*] Remember, ask questions on the /help channel (cross server chat), talk to others locally on the /local channel (general vicinity), and when on a team please use the /team channel (reaches teammates no matter where they).[/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Report Post/Notify Moderator[/list]
*****Sometimes a post is in extremely bad taste, defamatory or just plain out-of-line. This is a good time to Notify the Moderator.
*****Beneath a post there are a couple of little icons. The one on the far right is the "notify moderator button". It looks like a little printed page with a circle-and-slash over it.
<ul type="square">[*] Ignore User[/list]
***** You can also ignore the posts of someone in the forums. It will still list their postings, but you will get a message saying that "you are ignore this user" or some such if you open one of their posts.
**** To do this, click on their name listed to the left on one of their posts. This will send you to another screen. At the bottom of that screen, click on the "ignore" button.
Forum Tactics
<ul type="square">[*] You can disagree with people without insulting them. Some people don't know this. You don't need to call names or insult people in order to get your point across. In fact, you probably are less likely to get someone to agree with if you go that route.[*] Some people just don't like something, but they have idea why. If you don't know why, how can it be improved? If you don't know, then it's okay to ask others for ideas in the forums. Discussion is good. That's why there are forums.[*] Some people know why they don't like something, but can't accept that that is the way things are going to be. They can't let it go, and they keep posting regardless of anything. These posters need to get over it and let it go.[*] Some posters are just trolls. They are trolling for conflicts. They have no intent other than to cause trouble in the forums. If it's obvious that someone is operating in this manner with no attempt at being beneficial to the community then they need to be ignored.[*] Just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean that they are wrong. Many times disagreement is just a matter of opinion. State your case or reply to theirs with your counter-argument. There is no need to call names or insult people while doing this.[/list]***** Everyone needs to decide for themselves if someone has become too offensive, too negative, or useless to deal with. At this point, there is only one option. Notify the Moderator and put them on ignore in the forums. It is highly unlikely that their posting style will change for the better until they have been reprimanded for their behavior. We, as users, are not in a position to do that. The Moderators are. They can ban the account if it is being too disruptive. I really don't know why this hasn't happened more. I see that they are still looking for a moderator on the hiring page. Maybe once they hire a new Moderator the ax will begin to fall on these negative and unruly posters.