Super delayed movement




I'm trying a simple demo edit, one I've done before. I've recorded my villain taking on a energy blasterish Longbow boss, and replacing him with the character structure of my energy/energy blaster. Problem is, when I play the demo back (even before editing) my character doesn't move from his starting position initially. He goes through the movements and animations, but stays put. The NPC runs around like he's supposed too, though. Then, about a minute into he starts moving along the path he should have taken.

To add to the oddity, I did another demo, same map, of my character running down a hallway. That played back just fine. As well as one of him turning a corner to stop at the room that the fight takes place in.

Looks like for some reason the movement commands got shifted down in the demo file. Is there anyway to easily fix this, or am I stuck going through and trying to move them back in manually?



Are you sure the guy has the same PID as the movement commands he's supposed to be following?



The timing bug is just something that happens from time to time. I'm not sure what causes it, but things just get saved in the wrong order and you end up with a messy demo. It would probably be easier just to try to record a new demo rather than try to fix the existing one.



I noticed this on another demo I took. The only thing I can think of is that in both cases, I took several recordings using the same file name. Maybe something about overwriting a previously existing demo file has something to do with it. *shugs*

Oh, well, just have to do another.




It happens with brand new demos too, at least with me.



Yeah, it happens sometimes but not all the time. Half the time new issues come out, I record a few demos in a row that work fine and happily announce that the bug is dead. Then it promptly pops right back up again.



could you post the demo file somewhere so we can take a look at it?

-Listen to my Light!
-MA #1065 "Star Struck"



well, I had "some" success with it but, yeah I think its hosed! I can get it close but not accurate. If you want to take a look and maybe salvage some shots from it, here is what to do. I use Balshor's editor mostly and I know the time codes are a little different format I think. BUT...go down to the first POS movements on you toon (in this editor it is about 63,000). Then look up your first RUNPRE MOV which was about 1347 for me. Do a filter to get only the POS and PYR lines from 63,000 forward. ONce you have them filtered, then DEDUCT the amount between 63,000 (or first POS) and the first MOV RUNPRE and change the time to reflect that. Basically you are moving all the POS and PYR commands down to match the time of the first RUNPRE MOV command. Then, do the same for the CAM commands so the CAM will follow. He runs down the hall, pops an inspiration and then goes about his business but as it goes longer, the animations get farther and farther off. Like I said, try to salvage what you can if you have to have it or just re-record. Sorry!

-Listen to my Light!
-MA #1065 "Star Struck"



Thanks for taking a look. I'll probably play around with it some, if anything it'll help me become more familiar with the demo format