My costumes (opinions)




Volt Costumes

well I got bored today and decided to use a bunch of my free costume tokens and make a bunch of costumes from Volts (future) history...atm they range from being a zombie (I.E. Marvel zombies....though in this case it was a reversable virus) to his curent classic iteration

sry if the quality is kinda bad at taking screen shots :P

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



To be brutally honest, they're all really generic and boring.
Using 3 or more colors can make a costume very good as well, so try to get away from just 2 colors.



heya, I like most of these I agree with EnergyDrink that using only 2 colors can make it hard to create a hero that's unique, and that's particularly true of lightning-based heroes because there arent a lot of electricity options to choose from. Having said that, after browsing through all your designs i feel like i have a sense of your character, and for some reaosn the lightning bolt on the trenchcoat really works for me! And I think the blue and white combo should always stand out for your character. So, let's say you add another shade of blue? or maybe put some black in?

anyway, whatever, thanks for posting these, i like seeign what other folks ome up with



heya, I like most of these I agree with EnergyDrink that using only 2 colors can make it hard to create a hero that's unique, and that's particularly true of lightning-based heroes because there arent a lot of electricity options to choose from. Having said that, after browsing through all your designs i feel like i have a sense of your character, and for some reaosn the lightning bolt on the trenchcoat really works for me! And I think the blue and white combo should always stand out for your character. So, let's say you add another shade of blue? or maybe put some black in?

anyway, whatever, thanks for posting these, i like seeign what other folks ome up with

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thanks for that comment

I tried to keep hie colours mostly basic ones ones with a few different thrown in here and there

the faction specific ones are all a bit different
and the space one is a darker blue/silver

the gothic ones (vampire/werewolf/midnighter) I tried to keep them darker colours but use one blue item each to make it a bit unique (shirt/leather strap and marks on pantvarious piece of clothing...respectfully.)

the 2 things I triedd to keep in whatever I costume I could is his lightning bolt/belt

the bolts for fun
th belt is a nanotech device made for him by a member of his brothers supergroup that stores various costume pieces (again save unique I.E. zombie/vampire/werewolf/possessed(angelic)

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



so is he like a lycanthrope or something?

anyway, designing is my favorite part of this game, and i was sort of playing with ideas for Volt Sentinel (hope you dont mind!). It's a Loom design (that's my "label" for the costume contests I enter, and also for an in-game character who is sort of my avatar for the label - i feel very gay, typing all that out!). Anyway, I went with a 4-color scheme, and here you are.. just as sort of a suggestion.

I want to be sure to say that I like your stuff! I just got inspired because Volt is a pretty iconic character.

cough! so here :



Hey, that design is dang good Seraff!



Hey, that design is dang good Seraff!

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so is he like a lycanthrope or something?

anyway, designing is my favorite part of this game, and i was sort of playing with ideas for Volt Sentinel (hope you dont mind!). It's a Loom design (that's my "label" for the costume contests I enter, and also for an in-game character who is sort of my avatar for the label - i feel very gay, typing all that out!). Anyway, I went with a 4-color scheme, and here you are.. just as sort of a suggestion.

I want to be sure to say that I like your stuff! I just got inspired because Volt is a pretty iconic character.

cough! so here :

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WOW! that costume is amazing

and nah Volts not lycan...just a mutant...eventually I am gonna wrtie a bunch of short stories (if I can find the time) and each costume is gonna be something that happened to him (like I mentioned the zombie virus, or the temporary lycan and vampires states)

also thanks for Iconic comment...I had classic marvel in mind when I designed him

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



so is he like a lycanthrope or something?

anyway, designing is my favorite part of this game, and i was sort of playing with ideas for Volt Sentinel (hope you dont mind!). It's a Loom design (that's my "label" for the costume contests I enter, and also for an in-game character who is sort of my avatar for the label - i feel very gay, typing all that out!). Anyway, I went with a 4-color scheme, and here you are.. just as sort of a suggestion.

I want to be sure to say that I like your stuff! I just got inspired because Volt is a pretty iconic character.

cough! so here :

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WOW! that costume is amazing

and nah Volts not lycan...just a mutant...eventually I am gonna wrtie a bunch of short stories (if I can find the time) and each costume is gonna be something that happened to him (like I mentioned the zombie virus, or the temporary lycan and vampires states)

also thanks for Iconic comment...I had classic marvel in mind when I designed him

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lol thanks! and good luck with the short stories