Mission Testing Area




Alright, I won't say the name of this mission, because this is very exploitable. Specifically because I was solo and 16 enemies with about 1-5% hp spawned. I thought it was pretty cool, so I decided to dub it the Mission Developer Testing Grounds.




Hope you /bugged it!



How is it exploitable ?

There are around 15 or 20 enemies worth 5 xp each and you can't complete the mission because you can't reach the glowies needed for completion.

Of course, you can farm it for worthless xp but there really is no point.

The best thing is to /bug it and drop it.



Not exploitable

Darrin Wade's final mission "Infiltrate Midnight Club"

Already fixed on Test Server



How is it exploitable ?

There are around 15 or 20 enemies worth 5 xp each and you can't complete the mission because you can't reach the glowies needed for completion.

Of course, you can farm it for worthless xp but there really is no point.

The best thing is to /bug it and drop it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah, you can complete it. All you do /stuck, then in the height of the fall hit jumppack or a temp power. You fly up to a room, then use /stuck again to get inside.