Sketches from Boredom

Dark Ether



Being as I am still in pc limbo (typing on the wife's Mac) I am forced to sit in front of my tv and spend the time sketching whatever comes to mind.

The two below are in reverse order, the male template was going to be someone, but after I made it, I didn't feel like erasing it, so perhaps if anyone wishes to trace over it for a drawing of their own, be my guest.

The other is a resketch of my larissa sketch, with better proportions...


And these two were after watching LOTR, I really wanted Warface's head to jutt forward, but sketching him now is almost second nature. I can't wait to get to him digitally, but it will have to wait till Monday if I am lucky...

More Warfaces...




Cool sketches, I really love the pose for Larissa though.



Very cool! Whose the guy? War face looks fantastic!



The guy was just a quick body breakdown, I had no plans for him... but feel free to trace over him if you are so inspired.



very nice