Quies Aeternam ((Eternal Dream, open RP))
((With a twist of the wrist
and a scream and a shout
a broken limb
has come about
Anywhoo...this character is actually immortal as opposed to my other ideas of an eternal will. The key being a few things.
With my original concept relying on the fact that everything can be observed as being made up of many different parts and aspects, the being here has used every method at their disposal to slowly strip away the things that he was made of to try and leave only the clear and perfect eternal aspect.
It went well in the case that many pieces such as the physical aspect could easily be stripped away as well as some of the strongly defined aspects like feelings. He kinda ran into a snag though. As this being stripped more and more away to gain more dominion over itself and everything else, it found that it's more ambiguous aspects were much harder to lock down and remove. The will being one of such things.
Logically speaking for something within existence to become eternal it has to be displaced in a way, unable to mesh back into the rest of existence and therefor forced beyond it. With many things out of the way that might work ok, but the will is a tricky part. Not that a will couldn't be eternal, it's just that to be eternal a will must be singular and consistent. As this individuals will is constantly seeking paths to ascension, fighting with it's own being, and in general still having conflicts with it's own ideas, this being lacks the stability necessary to become eternal. Instead it's stuck on a borderline position between immortality and eternality.
This will resides as an immortal being as it can logically be observed (not as in seen, but as in reasoned). The catch being does have an eternal counterpart which is in fact itself transcended.
Being eternal and interacting with temporal or bound systems means that one exists in a constant state relating to what one does within those bound systems. Like if you make anything at any specific point in time, then from an eternal perspective you are stuck in that state of creation. It is a permanent and unchanging aspect of your being.
Good to note now that it's not possible to be eternal and have a particular form...it would introduce a few too many problems...
The immortal aspect here is the temporal shadow more or less. Basically the situation is that somewhere down the line this entity did fully separate itself from existence to become eternal, "but first it has to get there". It's the problem that it was born as a bound entity and only by stripping away at it's own being does it become external to all bound things. That would be why it has two aspects, it's immortal will and eternal counterpart.
The eternal counterpart gives the immortal will two things, the knowledge that it does eventually reach it's goal and the power necessary to do so. More or less this the eternal aspect reaching out and facilitating it's own manifestation. This means that the immortal will can do things that an eternal will could, like step outside of temporal boundaries and move through and about time as easily as space....and the ability to step outside of space and move about as if...everything was exactly where the entity is at that given moment...
Though as it is not truly eternal yet, the immortal will still experiences a sense of place when it's doing all this. This feeling actually eats away at the "sanity" for lack of a better term of the entity, and as it uses these powers it literally destroys itself. This entity is far beyond any concept of an afterlife...or a life...that if it's being is destroyed it will completely cease to be now and forever with no chance at all of ever coming back.
And goody goody to anyone who interacts, the fact that the eternal will is present in this curiosity actually does little to say that this entity actually does survive, as Deus Ex Machina is something that is actually explainable and likely to be an oft' used thing here...
I can't be the only one loopy enough to have a character doing this kinda stuff >.>)
((Well, I try to keep my characters as human as can be... And I have only one that could even begin to do what you've described here. He's a dangerous sort, however, as a concept of a creature born of the darkness and "nothing" before the Word brought Creation to the universe. As such, it tends to hate anything that exists in this Creation. It acts as an agent to break down the world, but its capabilities are sorely lacking, as it's little more than a foot soldier in the grand scheme of things. It's also set in its ways, so it tends not to question existence or philosophize.
So until I know what else is going on (is this a conversational RP, is it combative, is it world building/breaking?), I can't really participate. My characters just don't deal with these concepts.
Though I do believe that it is incredibly noble to do so.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((I have the perfect character for this sort of thing, but I need more information be\fore joining. Where/what is the setting? What should we expect? Are there any other rules we should be aware of?))
((I have the perfect character for this sort of thing, but I need more information be\fore joining. Where/what is the setting? What should we expect? Are there any other rules we should be aware of?))
[/ QUOTE ]
I second the above!
Why I agree with Dogma is beyond me!
((OOC: Its pretty clear to me where Monody is going, but that's because I was one of those on participating on the Philosophical experiment thread. The world this takes place in is diffferent than any other rp world you have ever been a part of... this world and the entity that lords over it can only be effect (or affected) by a person's thoughts and will through Philosophy, Estorical thought, Theological thought, Rational thought, Gnostic thought, etc.. basically, your character would need to be (or even could be if you really know your stuff) a famous (or infamous) Thinker from history (or fiction or what have you or one of yor own creation based on very detailed, deepy thought out characterization) and is here to set the parameters of this world and either assist the entity here alter the world as he/she/it seems fit or rebel completely against it by trying to manipulate the world through high level thought.
This RP would be obviously open but with a caveat, that the player MUST be able to think and act in character in a very serious way. Your character must be someone able to think deeply, profoundly and in very esoteric terms. This would be a very high level RP game of thought vs. counterthought, philosphy vs. philosophy (or theology or rationalism, etc, etc)..
I am on target here Monody or not?
(OOC: As I stated earlier, I would assume that a character could even be pulled right out of history.. I still think that would be awesome, someone like an Aristotle or Socrates or Machiavelli etc would be perfect for this setting.. but perhaps other men and women of thought should be mentioned here not just Philosophers and thinkers..
Politicians, Leaders, Activists, Artists, Musicians, Preachers, Teachers, etc could also work well in this setting I would think.. of course I could be entirely off base here.. but it would be a really unique RP for sure..))
((I'd tos Acanous in here, as he really does think rather deeply in the rational and theological, but he's in 2 other RP's, so he's busy at the moment >.>)
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
((I would prefer NOT using actual historical figures, because nobody truly knows what those individuals were really thinking, or how they would react to opposing opinions. Certainly, they would debate, but how aggressive would such debate be? Would they maintain a sense of civility? Or would Machiavelli rain fists upon Confuscious? How does one roleplay Jesus? Or, to push the envelope further, Yawheh?
Of course, one could play characters that are the embodiment of particular philosphies. It would be intriguing to see how one would portray the physical embodiment of Buddhism. Though, considering how diverse some theologies and philosophies have become, some concepts would be excessively difficult to portray.
Still, as I said before, our take on particualr characters to apply is relatively moot at the moment, for we still lack a setting.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((Masonic was pretty accurate. I don't want to limit people to using historical figures, but i would like them to create their characters with either the basis of the aforementioned reasonings or he theories themselves dictating their existence.
The setting isn't a very solidly built one as the entities we are most likely to deal with are pretty well beyond standard concepts of physicality, so all the locations we will likely see and visit are either temporally bound places we all know and love or twisted wonderlands of each entities own desires. Kind of like you are invading a dream world of someone else's at times.
Things to expect somewhat depends on the individuals introduced and how their different theories end up clashing and playing out. It's likely to mostly be a conversational RP with a pretty good amount of world breaking/building. I conflicts between characters arise one should note that in the context i desire for this rp, that combat will likely begin to have many oddities that other rp threads will never see. It likely will be hellish to try and track any prolonged comflict so try keeping such things short and direct.
The core of the rp is to see how many differing concepts and theories can collide and interact, which ones can stand the trials and torments of other theories to prove themselves sturdy. As such the only rule I really have for this rp is that everything one does must be logically and soundly explainable through generally viable mediums such as philosophy, theoretical sciences, strong reasoning, and some well refined theological concepts.
basically what Mr_Grey said, the characters should somewhat be the embodiment of particular concepts, philosophies, or ideas.
The general unified setting that all these things meet on isn't a traditionally definable setting. It's more of a void space for the most part, anything therein is the willed manifestation and amalgam of all those present. So the location's looks, feel, and other such things is entirely defined by those present and participating, if one leaves then what they contribute to this setting goes with it.))
((This setting reminds me of something I once read...
Thinking about it is making my brain hurt... Or maybe that's just disappointment because I can't think of a character that matches these parameters at the moment.
My own personal way of life is a type of basic morality coupled with aspects of Buddhism and Humanism, and it's hard to think of how to embody that.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((WHEW, boy I thought I might be way off base.. cool, I'll get my character ready then.. I hope you dontmind Mr. Grey but I think I will take someone right out of history and do as much justice to that person as I can.. after all, this is fantasy.. I just want to see how folks react as they play along.. it should be cool, I hope.. if not.. well, like any other RP.. I'll do something different.. heh))
((I've got it!
Enter: Masquerade!))
And suddenly, there is a flaw in the landscape: An opening pit. It is small, and it is at the border of the lands.
But a flaw it still is. A yawning hole in the dream-scape leading to mystery unknown. And arising from this pit like a star is the seed. That which grows as it gains power. Like a strangler fig, sapping and siphoning power from a host to fuel its own life and growth. The seed floats in the middle of the pit, and for now it is flat and circular. The only hint at its malevolent nature being its point of origin, overcast by its pearly white and glowing sheen of innocence and brightness.
And the champion is there. It cannot venture far, for it is limited in build and thought. It holds no power outside of its place of power. The endless pit and the flat and incandescent seed that spans across the center. It awaits its prey: Its sustenance. To it, this is all a simple tale. The spider and the fly. The worm and the earth.
The strangler fig and the palm tree.
And so, waiting for those either foolish or brave enough to enter, the Masquerade waits.
((COOL, this could get interesting if Monody approves heh))
((My supposed displeasure should be none of your concern, Masonic.
Besides, considering your prior posts, someone such as you should be more than capable of researching and roleplaying whatever historical individual you wish with accuracy. Albeit, historical accuracy.
That's my major problem with roleplaying historical figures. Though we know what they eventually did, do we truly know the reasons why?
Considering the vagaries inherent in this setting, I'm afraid I'm going to need to see some of this played out before I consider presenting one of my characters (if I do intend to join this). If I can't produce a reasonable character, it would be a shame. It's good to finally see this concept get fleshed out after a couple false starts.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((My supposed displeasure should be none of your concern, Masonic.
Besides, considering your prior posts, someone such as you should be more than capable of researching and roleplaying whatever historical individual you wish with accuracy. Albeit, historical accuracy.
That's my major problem with roleplaying historical figures. Though we know what they eventually did, do we truly know the reasons why?
Considering the vagaries inherent in this setting, I'm afraid I'm going to need to see some of this played out before I consider presenting one of my characters (if I do intend to join this). If I can't produce a reasonable character, it would be a shame. It's good to finally see this concept get fleshed out after a couple false starts.))
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I appreciate your insight and consider your words to have weight, I respect what you say Mr. Grey, that is why I wanted to hear what you had to say... I also appreciate your kind words. Lets see what coolness we can make here....
((By my own parameters as long as it can be dictated from a logically solid standpoint I have no problem with it. ^_^
The only thing I really would ask is that whenever you do something specific, you explain what it is and the theory behind it. If it's something that has been done all ready, then just reference the past explanation.))
Feeling the serenity being clawed at from within itself, the will seems to change. Steeling it's own resolve, the dream scape around it seems to pull itself inwards and solidify in almost a defensive fashion.
Upon the throne within the white gothic castle, the form from upon the throne seems to fade away into nothing. The land itself growing more refined, the only thing that moves within is the blood red water flowing through the territory into the lake near the center.
((ain't doing too much with this, the will I'm talking about more or less just tried to hole itself up a smidgen while it tries to figure out what it is that just entered the...um....not sure what to call this space without it being a paragraph....))
((I'd suggest "Existence."
It's an Existence.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
((I second Mr. Grey's idea))
((Well you stated that the world will be constructed based on the views of those who are within, and I got the impression that the size and complexity of the land changes as certain characters/ideas/motives/thoughts grow stronger. What just entered was my character and its idea and reason to exist. A bottomless pit with a radiant white platform hovering in the center, with my character presumably hiding on the disc, waiting for an opposing thought or theory to enter its field.))
((Yeah that's somewhat of what the place is. Having a place like this is about as close to a location I could think of without all the entities just existing within null space as little more than wills butting heads...wouldn't be much fun to visualize..
And an Existence should work. Thanks! ^_^))
Franklin sat at his desk. He constantly looked up out his window as he tried to finish off writing his letters. He smoked a cigarette on long filter, adjusted his glasses once more, then went back to his writing. The correspondence was just as important to him as the situation brewing in his world. He furrowed his brow further and kept on writing, determined to finish.
A man of average stature wearing round glasses and a suit that looked like it belonged to a regular type businessman than that of a man of his (at least) former stature would imply walked into the study. "Franklin," he said with in a very straightforward manner, "We need to go. I expect all the Brethren to be there tonight since this meeting may be one of the most important we have held in some time."
Franklin looked away from his writing for a moment and replied in a light, jovial fashion, "Ah Harry, very prompt as usual." Franklin took the cigarette out of his mouth and set it on a nearby ashtray. "You worry far too much my old friend. We will be to the lodge on time I assure you." Franklin smiled again and signed his last letter. "There," he said with his usual bright tone in his voice, "Now I feel much better about getting that done. So many folks to communicate with, especially now." Harry nooded in agreement and adjusted his glasses. Soon the two left together and headed for the Lodge.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
"This Grand Lodge of Greater Dystopia is now open for the regular dispatch of business." Franklin smacked the gavel upon his podium and the Brothers became seated. "Brother Senior Warden what is the latest reports from the borderlands?"
Harry stood up and replied, "Grand Master, more occurances of strange phenomenon continue to occur throughout the lands as a whole, and although that in itself is nothing new, some of these new occurances are of concern. First the entity we call "Existence" seems to be on the move again; its motives unknown as always, its purpose even less understood, but there is no doubt it is on the move again.
Secondly this new "Pit" as it has been referred to continues to intrigue and befuddle some of our greatest researchers. I recommend that we should call an investigative commitee to take a closer and more indepth look into this newest situation."
The entire Lodge, filled to capacity (and then some) became a place of much murmurings, crosstalk and discussion. Franklin struck the gavel again bringing order to the room once more, "My Bretheren, I know these things concern us all, and Senior Warden Truman is correct in his plan of action I feel. We must have a concerted position and response as the Grand Lodge, not just for the public consumption and the belaying of possible fears, but also for our own continuance of being the leaders of free-thought, civil discourse and philisophic debate. It is our Masonic duty to do so and our responsibility to maintain our status in the land and have our voices heard."
The men of the Lodge could soon be heard discussing amongst themselves until another sharp rap of the gavel could be heard, "Bretheren, let us not delay in our response, do I hear a motion for going forward with Brother Truman's proposal?"
The Junior Warden stood up from his position and said, "I make the motion to convene a commitee of fifteen brethren, including myself, to go and investigate this phenomenon at the borderlands." Quickly another Brother in the seats seconded the motion. "Any discussion?" Franklin inquired and soon a multitude of Brethren discussed and debated the pros and cons of the committee for the better part of two hours. The gavel sounded once more and Franklin gave his order to vote on the matter. It passed by a large margin. He then said, "Me, Brother Senior Warden Truman and Brother Junior Warden Blum will head this committee. Brother Blum, you are in charge of gathering the rest of Brethren to fill out this committee and we can get this started. I suggest we investigate this phenomenon within three to five days." Soon dates were looked at and rejected or discussed until a final date became set. "Very well," replied Franklin, "It appears to me the we are set and will soon see what all this is about. May it bear the information we need. So Mote It Be!"
As the night drew in the die had been cast, there would be response by the freethinkers of the Grand Lodge after all, and the repercussions would be soon to follow...
((sad to see this one fall off.. one of the most unique rps Ive been in in a while.. ))
((I think it needs more setting. RPs are usually better if they're more "goal-oriented," too. I don't know if it matters whether or not that goal is tangible, but I think it would be nice to know there's a reason to be here.
Or maybe that goes against the nature of this RP. In which case, it will probably go the way of the Zig threads. If there's no real reason for us to be there other than just to be there, well, we'll essentially be in a prison with nothing to do.))
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Amidst a crystalline field of snow blanketing a forest of ancient willows and withering maples lies a milky white crystal castle, gothic in style with towering peaks. The only clear contrast within this place being a frozen blood red lake nestled within the woods, threaded and interwoven upwards the nearby mountain face to wrap around and occasionally cascade over the castle which itself is dotted with blood red windows and decorations. In spite of the blood seemingly spurting forth from the earth itself, the aura of the scene when standing in it's presence leaves one feeling empty of emotion and calm as if nothing could harm you. A land of hauntingly beautiful serenity, no war made, no harm felt, yet the serenity is left with a doubt as one looks on, as if the onlooker sees something on the horizon that brings an omen of destruction. They can do nothing however and only watch as this destruction gets closer, the serenity they feel overwhelms their ability to react, instead welcoming their inevitable demise....
Those that reside within this land know of this being only as the "words without a voice" scratching away at their every thought. The only thing that compels them to stay being the disturbing perfection and calmness that penetrates their very soul. Swearing servitude to an entity that they are not even truly aware of, all those that reside here continue their life as if they had never become lost within this hellish beauty...
This is a place of only one will, a will not to conquer or infect, yet neither to mend or protect. The will of this land seeks only ascension. To become the defining trait of existence itself and lord over even the gods.
Lording over this land is one man. Not so much of a man though as an entity. Many years ago sacrificing his own mortal coil and feeling to become something more...and less...no one has ever seen what this person has become. To look upon this being would yield no report, as one's gaze seems never able to settle correctly upon them, all detail distorted or missing. Seldom can one even define a basic form this entity resides within, as if it doesn't really exist at all. As it sits upon it's throne unflinching as it waits, reaching out it's will beyond it's nightmarish dream of a domain into the universe...seeking another key to ascension...
((Oki...so...to put it in a cheesy fashion, this is my dream. The concept being my idea from before, where all those that want to participate may choose to do so in their own way so long as it can all be logically defined by philosophy, theoretical science, and somewhat theology. What I just introduced is more or less my character and their personal setting. Will add the basic theory and concept for this entity later, as It's kinda late and I need to sleep.