For a very patient person
looking good so far
it is looking good so far im looking forward to seeing the finished version
Thanks you two, here's the full ink, well kind of small, but gotta get coloring...
That is small for an LJ pic! Looks great, especially all those wrinkles.
I meant on his clothes...
Thank you kind lady, yer right it is a bit smaller, but here's an actual size close up...
Oh! i like that one a lot! How long did you spend on it?
Oh! i like that one a lot! How long did you spend on it?
[/ QUOTE ]
The very first drawing I sent him, a month ago took about an hour, it was just the same head you see here and outline of the body, very light lines showing the costume details. Today the inking took about 3-4 hours, and actually I'm still working on it trying to make the background more dramatic...
The final color will take at least 4 hours if I'm lucky...
That's really developing nicely! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.
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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
His clothing looks great so far, going to be awesome colored!
P.S No worries, LJ, I know it will rock
Already +fav'ed, but just repeating that this pic rawks.
Thank you sir... here's an as we speak update...should be another hour and I'll be done...
The Final!
Thanks for watching...
very nice. thats an awesome finish
I like what you did with the background! The character was super the first time, but i was wondering what you were going to do with the rest... it really works well though!
Really Cool Piece LJ! !!

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Thank you sir I finally heard back from the client today:
"Amazing job and well worth the wait. Hope all is well and thank you once
again. Take care.
Quixotic is in fact my longest waiting client, and been really terrific about waiting nearly 5 months for both his pieces, well 2 months through missing the first queue and these past 3 months while I've been changing styles and learning more.
But I promise it will be worth the wait!
Today I'm finishing his second piece, after reading a lot of Pat Lee material, I'm inking him up nice and loose, and then going straight to color...
Here's my reference - link
Stayed tuned for more.
PS: Dark Lilac, sorry to keep you waiting too, but I have to finish this last piece, and then you'll get the rest of the week. It's the only way to give your final the attention it deserves.