Looking for character art. <3
Fine lookin' character.
Not sure why people don't like it.
Tell me about it. Everybody seems to make fun of my cogs. :'[
Edit - I always forget to mention that aura is a TEMPORARY POWER. XD I should get a new picture as soon as that thing wears off. >:[
No love for molten D:
Well not alot of artists will just do art for you out of the blue,try looking around in this forum for people who are taking requests/commissions.
You may also want to read the good suggestions found Here
50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast
My DeviantArt Page
For some reason not many people like my character in game, and I don't see why myself. :P I would personally like some art for my character, I don't have much infamy so anything free
would be appreciated a lot.
Molten Grace
That is my character Molten Grace in his original costume, most of his other costumes do not seem too great to me, I guess I like my original costumes the most, that's why I made them in the first place.