The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ Oct. 12, 2007




Brickstown is about as common as Founder's Falls, which means: Not very many. The places Snow went into detail on have the most.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



He mention Founder Falls and correctly identified that it is not good place to hunt due to the spawns being scattered.

In Brickstown they are a bit more grouped together; just mentioning an oversight in the article.

I read the article few times. I does not mention why this is a good bagde to get, not sure it was due to editting. I know why I would want this badge.

I can say that when I was really close to getting the badge, I would go to Brickstown to finish it, I would be looking for under 20 PPs.

The article written by Snow Globe was proffesional and informative. I look foward to reading more of them.



Snow Globe is a girl



He mention Founder Falls and correctly identified that it is not good place to hunt due to the spawns being scattered.

In Brickstown they are a bit more grouped together; just mentioning an oversight in the article.

I read the article few times. I does not mention why this is a good bagde to get, not sure it was due to editting. I know why I would want this badge.

I can say that when I was really close to getting the badge, I would go to Brickstown to finish it, I would be looking for under 20 PPs.

The article written by Snow Globe was proffesional and informative. I look foward to reading more of them.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you can find a Pargon Protector that is under level 30 I would love to see it .

Yes, there are a few in Brickstown, but like Founders Falls, I would never hunt in either zone for them. They are just not enough of them to matter in Brickstown. Hunt Eden, with 2-3 a group you will finish fast. Find someone with Gordon Stacy or Unai Kemen and tag along with them, do a Manticore TF. All these are MUCH better than hunting Brickstown.

The problem with saying why you would want to get the badge is not the same for everyone. For villains, it unlocks a contact. For heroes it unlocks an accolade. Both were outside the scope of the article.

Generally people that ask "how do I get _____ badge?" already know what the badge does.

All that said, I will keep your points in mind for the next article.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Thank you for response Snow Globe.

I apologize for the gender mix-up.

I did not mean I was looking for Level 20 PPs, I ment looking for PPs when I had less than 20 to hunt. I doubt that less than a level 35 can be found in Bricks.

I agree from experiance that soloing badges in not fun, but sometimes it is the only alteranive. After Manticor group breaks up, since your in bricks, not a bad place to finish that little sliver.

I look foward to the next article.