Character by Comittee - an idea




So, I've been in a bit of a creative drought lately >.< Few new alts, no story ideas, no real character ideas... my drawings have almost entirely focused on established characters of mine.... etc etc...

Now traditionally on these forums, one would offer a queue to get the creative juices pumping. Unfortunately, anyone who knows my record with queues understands my reason for not offering one <,< Its not that I don't want to - its that I suck *horribly* at doing other people's characters. I don't know if its just my wandering mind; or if I'm just a self-centered jerk... but I can't get into drawing other people's characters very often <_ _>

But I had an idea today:

What if I hold a poll, here on the forums, and after two or so rounds of voting, I draw the character that we, as a group, crafted? Initially I was thinking maybe a forum mascot - but as cool as that is; I think I'd like to stick to something a bit more serious, or at the least, largely human.

So here's what I'm asking you to do, if you have the time, interest, and inclination - Fill out this form!

1) Male or Female?

2) Type (Human, Robot, Elf, Catperson, etc... Can't do anthromorphs though, not that I don't like them, I just royally suck at doing anything that isn't 90%+ human anatomically speaking; unless its a robot)

3) Skin tone (Everything from the normal human color range to the exotic pinks and blues)

4) Eyes - Color, any make-up (for males as well if you like)

5) Lip color (Including lip stick or if its a natural shade)

6) Hair Color

7) Hair Style

8) Body Type - Heavyset, average, gorgeous, etc...

9) Height

10) Actual weight (Even a heavy individual may not show it, and a surprisingly light individual can look rather heavy)

11) Choose up to 3 descriptor words for this character's personality. They may be 2-word phrases, but no more.

12) Names - Include one male and one female

How this thing is going to work; is that tomorrow, at least 24 hours from now, but possibly a bit longer than that, I'll tally up what everyone has said. The most popular of each will be pitted against each other in a run off vote the next day. Once that vote is finished; I'll give drawing this character a shot!

I intend to color the picture, but we'll see if I get that far.

I do however promise you all, at the *very* least, I'll give you a nice pencil drawing, or maybe inks (depending on which looks better to me at the time). Colors are the aim; but like I said, I'm notoriously bad at this kind of thing >.<

So, anyone game?

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



but I thought Kilo was our mascot now that TA disappeared from the scene.



Well, I had decided against the Mascot thing hehe <;_;> that was the original idea; but I tried to explain that thats not what I ended up thinking of >.<;

So instead I was just looking for some ideas to come up with a new character to draw, just for kicks <'x'>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I have come to suspect that maybe this was a bad idea <~.~>;

*sheepishly walks off stage*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



1) Male or Female?

2) Type (Human, Robot, Elf, Catperson, etc... Can't do anthromorphs though, not that I don't like them, I just royally suck at doing anything that isn't 90%+ human anatomically speaking; unless its a robot)

3) Skin tone (Everything from the normal human color range to the exotic pinks and blues)
Pale grey ((Teen Titans Raven skin tone))

4) Eyes - Color, any make-up (for males as well if you like)
Fully Solid Black Eyes
As for make up, Look at the Half Tribal Face in Co* character creator. *Not sure if that's the right one* in a Deep blue. *think magical in nature* crossing over right side of face and eye ending at the lips and chin.

5) Lip color (Including lip stick or if its a natural shade)
Pale white *I would say barely noticable*

6) Hair Color
Dead White

7) Hair Style
Back Lenght, Untamed yet dead flat as well.

8) Body Type - Heavyset, average, gorgeous, etc...
Toned Athleatic

9) Height

10) Actual weight (Even a heavy individual may not show it, and a surprisingly light individual can look rather heavy)
204 lbs.

11) Choose up to 3 descriptor words for this character's personality. They may be 2-word phrases, but no more.
Sad, Calm, Lonely

12) Names - Include one male and one female


Is this enough?



1) Male or Female?

2) Type (Human, Robot, Elf, Catperson, etc... Can't do anthromorphs though, not that I don't like them, I just royally suck at doing anything that isn't 90%+ human anatomically speaking; unless its a robot)
Catperson (I'm biased)

3) Skin tone (Everything from the normal human color range to the exotic pinks and blues)

4) Eyes - Color, any make-up (for males as well if you like)
I would think that Blues might compliment green but something in the cool colors.

5) Lip color (Including lip stick or if its a natural shade)
Blues or cool colors as mentioned above

6) Hair Color
How about purple, something that matches the cool color pallette

7) Hair Style
I like big and flowy

8) Body Type - Heavyset, average, gorgeous, etc...
I like to go with average, cause it's safe

9) Height

10) Actual weight (Even a heavy individual may not show it, and a surprisingly light individual can look rather heavy)
135 lbs (I don't know how to gauge wieght)

11) Choose up to 3 descriptor words for this character's personality. They may be 2-word phrases, but no more.
mysterious, distant, vulnerable

12) Names - Include one male and one female
Azribelle, Azrecron (I just made those up)

hope it inspires, it was totally made up on the spot, so I'm not too attached, feel free to add and remove as you like.