3D Swap Meet!!
Well, I hit my first snag... Those darn Rikti won't stand still long enough for me to take a picture of their swords. They insist on smacking my character with them!
So if anyone has any good Rikti sword images, please post them here.
I'll offer up help with post-render work if anyone would like to toss me a piece to putz with
Well, I hit my first snag... Those darn Rikti won't stand still long enough for me to take a picture of their swords. They insist on smacking my character with them!
So if anyone has any good Rikti sword images, please post them here.
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I would suggest demorecording them... Then you can dump the images to a folder - uing Zloth's spiffy demo launcher.
You could even edit the demo to get good clear shots.
Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM
Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper
Well, here's my first version of the new Rikti sword. Or is it the Rikti Axe?
Anyway, I'm still testing it but here's a sample !
It turns out that maybe we won't get Rikti Swords in Issue 11. Or am I mistaken?
But that doesn't stop the renders from happening! This time I rendered the Rikti Sword in Carrara to get the glow effects from the game.
I promise to post the 3D files soon for interested parties. I'm just caught up in a freelance project that eats up a lot of my free time.
I've got Rikti Swords available. These are based on the new designs. My question concerns hosting files. Does anyone know of a good place to host these files or should I just resort to my old website?
Hey Magoo, I have a question for ya;
I've been building COH-Poser props for several years and have a good collection, but I haven't shared them yet because I'm not smart enough to make them conform. Are you capable of making shoulderpads and belts conformable?
I'm not that smart, but philc has put out a utility that's supposed to help. It's located here: http://istore.mikrotec.com/philc/index1....dvid=2143420604
For props, I usually just parent them and save them as parented props. Sometimes I'll check the "Inherit bends of parent" option to simulate conformity.
One thing I've noticed tho is that sometimes it's better to keep stuff like shoulder pads and armor as props so that they still look like armor. Otherwise if you make conformable clothing out of them they tend to bend funny and lose their original shape.
One thing I've seen people do for simulating conforming clothing is to take, say, shoulder pads and then parent them to the Blank figure corresponding to the figure you're working with. For example, parent the shoulder pads to the Blank M3 figure to work with M3. This may only work with the DAZ figures since I only see Blank DAZ figures in my folder. I'm not sure if the G2 figures offer blank figures.
I hope some of my long meandering blabber is some help...
I try to dabble a bit with 3D renderings, although I'm still really struggling with full characters. Wouldn't mind trying my hand at a few props and weapons and stuff like that though. I use Lightwave - what would be the best format to save as for sharing? Lightwave saves objects as LWO - but I can export to 3DS, DXF, or OBJ. No idea what Poser can use.
...just in case I actually make something useful...
I pretty much do the same thing; limit my modelling to armor and other rigid bodies. Once I get to the clothing stage, I'll use an existing bodysuit and either create a texture and transparency map, or just photoshop the pieces on. Recently, I've been favoring making a texture map up front because the render will produce better results. Plus, I get the warm fuzzy that the character model is closer to the in-game one.
As for exporting, I model in MAYA and export into OBJ. I've found that colors assigned in MAYA stay intact in Poser, so I'll often directly color polygons instead of mapping the vertices and creating a texture map.
Once the OBJ is in Poser, I'll just parent it to the figure and I'm set. I was ust thinking it would be cool if the shoulderpads or whatever could be set up to automatically conform. Someday...
NoirShadow -
Poser can use 3DS, DXF and OBJ formats,and a couple more besides! Poser can even read LWO formats files, so you might not have to translate depending on how you build your files!
DarkJedi -
Do you save your parented props once you've placed them on your figure? That would save lots of time next time you have to use those props... but I'm sure you're doing that already.
BTW, just as an FYI to everyone in case you haven't seen it yet...
Over at Renderosity, there's a neat Bank Vault set that would be perfect for anyone's renders of Safeguard missions. It looks pretty cool. All you'll need are some well-dressed Family members to frighten the tellers and you'll be all set!
More notices for anyone who hasn't seen them yet:
Got an idea for an image but need a good cave system? You might do well by checking out this new set available at DAZ. Good for those spooky underground missions!
Should we keep this thread to be updated continuously? Looks like they're wanting to do some house cleaning.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

.OBJ would be your safest bet when it comes to exporting. But I have had problems with my UV's when exporting from Maya 8.5 to Max 7 and Max 7's way of UV mapping is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen.
If I got time I could make some CoH style props, out side of having one car model (late 70's Ford Escort) and a barrel, I've pretty much got nothing to share.
I could post my M1A1 Abrams tank when I finish it.
I'd like to set up this thread so 3D artists (like I pretend to be) can post links to various props for use in 3D/Poser images.
The recent announcement of Issue 11 and the various new weapons characters will now be able to use has moved me to create some Rikti swords. They ought to be showing up soon. I'm pretty psyched about this, and about finally being able to share some useful props.
Meanwhile, if you have any props you'd like to share, please post the links here.
Also, if there are any props you'd like to see, please post images and maybe the list of share-able props will continue to grow!