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  1. I found that room in Grandville ^_^

    Im trying to find that underwater area, but I thing I have not seen metioned in this thread is what zone it is in. Im guessing Port Oakes.
  2. Server: Freedom
    Global: @Blutto
    Heroes: Daceus lvl 25 Warshade
    Villains: Tigurius lvl 24 Energy/ Grav Dominator
    Time: Sat/Sun after I get up, I might be going to the Ford Falcon GT display on the Sunday
  3. Blutto

    3D Swap Meet!!

    .OBJ would be your safest bet when it comes to exporting. But I have had problems with my UV's when exporting from Maya 8.5 to Max 7 and Max 7's way of UV mapping is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen.
    If I got time I could make some CoH style props, out side of having one car model (late 70's Ford Escort) and a barrel, I've pretty much got nothing to share.
    I could post my M1A1 Abrams tank when I finish it.
  4. Most of the costume is from the Samurai Vet award (just got my 18 month vet ) Boots are Sinister with Pads, I11 Hair style (forgot which one) Glasses, Cape, and Justice gloves. All black and dark red.
    A BS/Regen Scrapper

    The screen shot was taken just after solo-ing Infernal as an EB
    A better shot
  5. thats a cool screenshot
    heres one I took a while ago, it makes my scrapper look evil
  6. If you ever get the chance you could my main,Blutto
  7. Blutto

    WoW vs CoX RP

    If NPC's from both WoW and CoX. WoW would get slaughtered, Rikti Invasion forces targeting WoW would pretty much finish WoW.
    NPC's are a good part of each game (Not to sure about wow since I've never played it ) Dragons would seem pathetic againt the Rikti ships
    But the again with out the NPC's being involved it would be a good battle

    Unexploded Rikti bomb on ground
    WoW person walks up to it
    "Whats this?"
    No more WoW person
  8. Blutto

    WoW vs CoX RP

    6 second rule was good, so was all the stalkers as'ing wow.

    Can someone find the link to the thread this is inspired by I can't find it, my search fu sucks
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh man! You are so gonna get it. I hope you brought your flame retardant suit.

    Hey you left out Kheldians. Oh man you're gonna...wait...nevermind...everyone leaves out Kheldians. Carry on.

    Seriously. Except for the sweeping generalizations, nice guide.

    I kid because I love.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, what about the villain AT's?
    This asmume no one plays villain side and only hero side
  10. Thats pretty good, just need some improvement on you lighting. (Unless you dont have the time to render for long periods of time)
    You model in NURBS?