Because I HAD to....




*WARNING* Things are covered, but it IS Invincebelle, and work places can be finicky, so I wouldn't risk it.

That said, I wanted to show off my newest commission, which TurkeyLurkey has finished for me. It's a gift for Buckeyestar, TA, and Sass, all of whom I'm certain will get a kick out of it. Sass in particular, I hope.

So, without further ado, I give you:

TA- Totally Busted!

TL gives a link to the (NSFW!) original that inspired me to have this commissioned as soon as I saw it, as it's designed to be a follow up to that one.



:hugs: Love it! It's hilarious, the electric halo is soooo funny. And it's good to see ya in the Art section.



The halo is hilarious.



...that Turkey's a funny fowl...



*hugs* I'm glad you like it, hon. And I figured this would be the best place to show it off since I haven't been around the boards at all for nearly a month or better.




This is great!!!

"Your 'yoinking' days are over, mister!!"

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."




This is great!!!

"Your 'yoinking' days are over, mister!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT!! Bhahahahaa!!



Ah I miss TA...



Ah I miss TA...

[/ QUOTE ]

He's still around, still a bit rocky for him but he is in a relatively happy situation with a certain Sassy lady. He logs in every once in a while, but life is his game at the moment (i hear it has better graphics too!)
But the as the prophecy goes, the electric art [censored] shall descend down upon us with further news of the future... as soon as the sassy lady gets done with him



Hopefully he'll get back to all the artists looking for him as well