Question about DeviantArt




I peruse these forums often, mostly with a jaw dropping expression, of how talented everyone is with "City of" characters and their own personal creations. I have spent many hours just clicking through peoples favorites and galleries on DA.

Do you need to be an artist to join DA? My most impressive artistic ability is to give a stick figure a face (and even that usually doesn't turn out too well!). The most I do is make sigs and sprays for my members in a CSS (Countrstrike: Source) clan. That is all just photoshop magic with me controlling it to the best of my ability.

Can you join DA just being a huge art fanatic? I don't know if I could, but I would favorite EVERY "City of" character piece I would find! Not having an artistic bone in my body, I have huge admiration for the raw talent and skills of all artist. I guess having a DA account and favoriting any "City of" piece would just be my way of paying homage to the game and it's artist.

P.S.: Also, to add to the question, does NCSoft allow us to post screenshots of our characters from the character creator? I know I have seen some there, but does this break any underlying EULA rule or anything of that sort?



Anyone can sign up to Deviant Art.

For the EULA breakage, me has no idea!



A lot of collectors also join DA, and a lot of writers too, look for City of Artists on DA itself (do a search) to see examples of collectors and artists. As for the screenshots, I believe it's okay as many people take screens of their toons for artists to use as reference, and place it in the scraps section of their DA account.



The only use of the screenshots they don't explictly allow is to make a profit from them. Otherwise they're considered 'fan derived' and essentially are okay as long as you say where you got em.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



*is a collector* I signed up purely as another way to reach out to the artists and then this huge community formed up and i had to actualy USE my account. but its done all the time mine is a great example of a minimalist one



I can't say anything about the UELA (I know as little as you about this specific matter, lol), but I do know I have a few friends that have never ever posted a single artwork in their gallery. They only use their account to comment on stuff on DA and check out new deviations. You don't need to be an artist to like art, lol

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |



The only use of the screenshots they don't explictly allow is to make a profit from them. Otherwise they're considered 'fan derived' and essentially are okay as long as you say where you got em.

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Exactly. Just be sure to say "Screenshot from City of Heroes" and don't make prints available and you should be peachy.



I absolutely LOVE DA. I'm on there at least once daily, and it's a great way to expose yourself to all sorts of great art from around the world, even if you're not an artist yourself. I highly recommend it, and yeah, there seems to be a thriving CoH community there too.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Thanks for all the info, I made an account and as we speak taking some screenshots of my chars, my graphics aren't the greatest, this is a 6 year old machine, so I have been using the character creator screen. I am gonna try and photoshop my characters with their Bios, and the ones that the Bios are too short for, I will write their... story.

One more question, are there "groups" or anything to join? Is there a CoH Artist group or anything of that sort, or is it all by person favoriting alot of pieces?



I absolutely LOVE DA. I'm on there at least once daily, and it's a great way to expose yourself to all sorts of great art from around the world, even if you're not an artist yourself. I highly recommend it, and yeah, there seems to be a thriving CoH community there too.

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Aww maaaan! Quit exposing yourself! I mean... I'm a writer. I use DA to track some of my favorite artists (Like David) and as a place to store/ self-publish fan fiction. It's been noted I can not draw a straight line with a ruler and someone coaching me, but I still hang out on DA

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

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