Need some graphics help...




I have a picture which I found on net. I took the trouble to look for copywrites but couldn't find any.

I've outlined the main figure in the pic in Red. What I need, is someone who can remove every other color except for the red. I know you can do this in photoshop or gimp but I don't have access to any of those programs right now.

so.. can anyone help me?



You cannot alter images you randomly find on the internet. It's called copyright infringement. Unless you have express written permission from the artist/photographer/etc...



as I said, I looked for the information on the artist and there was none. How am I supposed to get permission if the art is not signed and the artist is not named?



Then it's simple: You don't use the artwork.

Would you take someone's car if you couldn't find the keys? Same concept.



you know, there are such things as collections of FREE, Public Domain Clip Art on the web.

But for some reason you seem intent on pointing fingers at me and saying I'm stealing and I don't appreciate it.

Keep your assumptions to yourself



Maybe it's coincidence.

But... with a userID of "iPirate"... and you're asking how to alter unwatermarked images...

... my magic 8-Ball says "Signs point to YES"...

this forum has a lot of artists in it. Most (if not all) are very protective of their artwork, and take a dim view of using 'whatever you find' without being SURE you have permission to do so, regardless of whether the artwork is "tagged" or not.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



you know, there are such things as collections of FREE, Public Domain Clip Art on the web.

But for some reason you seem intent on pointing fingers at me and saying I'm stealing and I don't appreciate it.

Keep your assumptions to yourself

[/ QUOTE ]

Clipart and taking artwork found on the net are two ENTIRELY seperate issues. Clipart collections will have disclaimers saying "free for distribution" Artwork randomly found on the net is not clipart. Asking a giant collective of professional and non-professional artists if it's okay to alter an image you randomly found isn't going to go over well.

Link to the image, who knows, someone here may KNOW the artist...



and all I'm saying is that I resent being labeled a theif without evidence.



Please don't put words into my mouth. I never once called you a thief.



You cannot alter images you randomly find on the internet. It's called copyright infringement

[/ QUOTE ]

you flat out accused me of copyright infringement without knowing any details... sounds like calling me a thief to me.



No, I told you what you would be doing is *called*... I did not directly state you were doing it, I told you what the law states.

Again, please don't put words into my mouth.



read it again.

Sayterra stated: "You cannot alter images you randomly find on the internet. It's called copyright infringement."

Sayterra did NOT say: "OO, you're a thief cos you're altering images without permission."

She did not assume that you'd done this before OR that you would go through with it once you read her warning.

Now... shall we begin again, or would you like to stick to "Jumping to Conclusions" as your Final Jeopardy answer category?

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



ummm.. let's see... "what YOU WERE doing is called, copy infringement. Yes that's what YOU WERE doing, but I'm not saying you were doing it... even though I just said you were doing it."



Seriously, I'm not here to fight. Show us the image you want to alter, and we can probably point you to the artist. Continue the immaturity, and I'll wash my hands of you.



Uh... I'm not seeing the words "you were doing" in the original post by Sayterra either. Try again.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



but despite my explination that it comes from a collection of FREE clipart, you CONTINUE to say post it and we'll tell you who the artist is. I've already stated where it comes from but you're clinging to the idea that I got it from a known artist.



Wait wait... you DID get it from a clipart collection?

*rereads posts*

OK that wasn't clear. Sounded like it was something you found. If it's in a clipart collection then it's been put up for public use (either for free or after paying for the privilege.)

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I have a picture which I found on net.

That's the only explanation you gave. Had you said "I found this in a collection of clipart" that would have been something else entirely.



yes, but you automatically drew your own conclusions about where I got it.



I didn't draw any conclusions, you asked for help, I told you what the law states, and you jumped down my throat.

I wash my hands of you... good luck.



so glad to know I'm someone that others feel the need to wash their hands of. Yes I asked for help. And I got the net police waggling their fingers at me and questioning my motives. But of course you did nothing, the self-righteous never do.



You can do this in Photoshop. It's easy. You can also download the newest version of Photoshop online (there is usually a trial version or the "LE" version).

As fer stealing images....

Sounds to me like ya just like the image and want to something cool with it. There is no harm or foul in that. It may be different if you were going to alter to sell as a label or a graphic to be used commercially.

If a person makes a profit off of said image THEN I consider it stealing. As for what it sounds like you are doing...this just seems like a little art project no different than someone who clips out magazine ads to make a collage.

If they did not want these images used as such...don't post em on the internet.

As for the "how to do it?"...

There are several ways in Photoshop. I would recommend going to Selection>Color Range on the tab menu for an easy color selection.



yes, I know you can do it in photoshop and gimp but I can't access programs like that right now. I'm at work and can't install any software.

anyways, it's already done, I did it pixel by pixel in MS paint.



Sounds to me like ya just like the image and want to something cool with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually this is considered "=insert bad word= over the original artist's hard work". Most artists will find it disrespectful no matter how good you made it. Especially if you fail to even ask them for permission or at least link to his/her name+website/gallery.

Either way, if you found a pic on the internet and it doesn't say you can or cannot use it without permission, then simply don't use it and post the original and/or the altered version in a public place (IRL or on the internet). It doesn't really matter if you get money for it (though they then officially could sue you) or you do it for free . You're basically stealing their hard effort and time and the spotlight, so the least you SHOULD do is tell you used someone specific's artwork/photo/whatever. After all, it's not just your blood, sweat and tears that will be in that new pic. Enough said.

And next time you want to rule out everything but one certain area you could do the tracing on another layer and PhotoShop has a way to select one certain color (select --> colorreach(?) ), so I'm guessing other programs like OpenCanvas also has such a feature.... and don't forget what I said above.

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |



1. it's free god damned clipart... the end
2. I know how to do what i wanted in photoshop, I just didn't have ACCESS to photoshop or any other graphic editing program at the time I made the post.