A lil video




I was bored and decided to make a lil video...

Either way, I didnt spend too long on it but still came out pretty well... even though I forgot what difficulty I was on and played the mission on invince with no interface...

Either way
Ilseroth Video, Enjoy
(Note: the song has a lil profanity, quick warning just in case)
Cmon to Champ and play with me some time



Not bad, definately better than I could do, both movie-wise and mission-wise.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville




Pretty impressive, Syatfin. Thanks for sharing.

Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.
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I thinks it might be better that I was running it on invince... on heroic i usually oneshot non-robot minions...

kinda sad i couldnt find a song on my harddrive that owuld have been better... but this ones pretty good.



Eh I figured I'd post this here too, made it in bout 5 mins

A brief tour of my base



hmm, vid isn't bad, I feel it was still all sorta watch me kill all these guys sorta thing.

Base looks good, could do with a lil more deco



hmm, vid isn't bad, I feel it was still all sorta watch me kill all these guys sorta thing.

Base looks good, could do with a lil more deco

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I know it is essentially me killing things... but I am a scrapper... it's what I do... if I make naother vid I'll try to add a lil more non-killing content. I'd add storylines but only way to really do that is with demoediting, and I dont know a damn thing bout that. That combined with the fact I dont have a microphone so no voice acting &gt;.&lt; erm either way.

As for my base... yeah I like it, but I was going for a japanese stylized dojo and as anyone who has worked on bases can tell you that the only semi-japanesy looking decorations are the shouji lamps... hence lack of decoration &gt;.&lt;