Sketch Week!




Thanks I took out this Robin graphic novel from my library, and it had this great explosion shot that I knew I had to try sometime. When I read LJ's bio, I saw a window to do it, course I wish I had saved the original drawing BEFORE my damn firewall update crashed Painter. It was a much cooler face than these two, though I am happy with them.



First of 5 sketches for Kai's supergroup montage piece: Leon




Always liked the portraits in the background. That's really looking great so far!



Third of 5 sketches for Kai's supergroup montage piece: Joyeaux

And sliced in with the others here. The final piece may have them closer together...




Baq I love my Yuki-chan! she is looking great!



Cool, but I thought her name was "End of the World" ?



End of the World is more of a title for her, like a postion. It's complicated, just think of it as her "Hero" name.



Update I'm surprised I got this much flatted with Heroes on...



OMG thank you for reminding me Heroes is on tonight!! Good thing I am on Pacific time...

Oh and it looks very nice btw



That is Amazing LJ, I can't wait for the finished product.



First of all, like always I am extremely impressed by Lady Js work.........(starts saving up for commision)

That name "Yuki" reminds me of a funny story. In High school my friends and I were............really really bad. Sneaking girls out was par normal for my group. One girl was a pretty Japanese girl named Yuki. She lived with her grandmother.......and we were well..........corrupting her. HS Boys are bad (one of the reasons my daughters will have an electric fence around them (my oldest is 13)

When we would call......her Grandmother didnt speak much english but she would yell this.......

"Who this? Ohhhh you boys dont call HERE! YUKI NOT HERE NOW. YOU DONT CALL BACK!!!!!!!! YUKI NOT HERE!"

My friends.....20+ years later still call me everyone once in a while and the first thing they say to me on the phone is "YUKI NOT HERE NOW!" We laugh our [censored] off every time!

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Mistress Jade

Concept: High Paid Assassin...

It's been a long night, the principle's been in and out of meetings. The last one was a hootch, who'd a thought $300 a night would buy so much cellulite. But now he's alone. All mine. I'm gonna wait till he washes off the stink, and lays down for some zzzzzeees. Then it's one through the window to announce myself, and a couple of dozen across the bed. I think I'll turn that queen size into a twin, whaddya think? Yeah that should do it.




Very nice concept, LJ! I am thoroughly impressed.



2nd to last sketch of this 2nd Round of commissions, this one of Quixotic


edit: will be adding a new Mistress Jade piece later today... I felt the older one didn't show enough of her, and was more environment then MJ.



*wiggles toes at LJ*



Very nice, I love the pose!