Unjustice League Official Roster




i remember when Whirligig had some people do this... it sucks but eh, i just learned not to help people who are new, which sucks but what can you do?



Go easy on Chiz he has a cute giggle.




Then why post something like you did on the forums for everyone to see and possibly misinterpret? It could have been easier and pose less of a threat for drama had you just said something to the effect that he left for personal reasons or just not said anything at all.

You don't have to respond to this...I don't really want an answer to that question...just food for thought.

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It would have been easier had I kept my mouth shut, huh.

Though, in the same vein, why would you ask a question you don't really want an answer to?

To Robo; yes, it sucks. But how can we expect to even think of keeping new people if we ostracize them from the start? I wouldn't want to make anybody in my SG feel left out, new or old, simply for fear that they might abandon us in the end. It's sad that it's almost a catch-22; we don't want to be a stepping stone, but we also don't want to leave any member out in the cold. /shrug.



chizakice is bad lololol

so no loss for ujl :O




Then why post something like you did on the forums for everyone to see and possibly misinterpret? It could have been easier and pose less of a threat for drama had you just said something to the effect that he left for personal reasons or just not said anything at all.

You don't have to respond to this...I don't really want an answer to that question...just food for thought.

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It would have been easier had I kept my mouth shut, huh.

Though, in the same vein, why would you ask a question you don't really want an answer to?

To Robo; yes, it sucks. But how can we expect to even think of keeping new people if we ostracize them from the start? I wouldn't want to make anybody in my SG feel left out, new or old, simply for fear that they might abandon us in the end. It's sad that it's almost a catch-22; we don't want to be a stepping stone, but we also don't want to leave any member out in the cold. /shrug.

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i hear ya shini... WG almost changed our name to stepping stone. that would have been fun.

maybe someday if we make a second run at the ladder...



Though, in the same vein, why would you ask a question you don't really want an answer to?

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What part of food for thought don't you understand? Was making the statement/question to give you something to think about next time before you start airing dirty laundry. Guess next time I will have to make things a little easier for you to understand.



I was merely putting forth the irony of your post. In that you were questioning my post's "appropriateness" due to potential fallout or drama. But it's OK for you to make a response which carries similar potential.

I don't think anyone who knows me would say that I ever act with the intention of starting drama, far from it. But that doesn't mean that I have to take everything said/done that I don't agree with sitting down either.



Shini lies. She started a cat fight with me after our practice last night. True story. You see I'm a catboi and well she is just shini. No reason just BAM. Drama queen not queen shini. Do i sense a name change in the future? :P


/em icebreak /em changetopic



<3 Syn

..but not as much as Chad.



<3 Syn

..but not as much as i <3 robo

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aww thanks shini!

*edit, damn you and your stealth edits



if it makes you feel any better... all of jimmay's recruite to OS have been really really bad. 1 they stole our io's. 2 in the middle of a practice quit then join JAL. 3 chaos king. 4 chaos king. 5 chaos king. 6 chaos king. Get the picture? Top that.



It is done. It is over. Enough said

kthxbai now lets get back to pvp



if it makes you feel any better... all of jimmay's recruite to OS have been really really bad. 1 they stole our io's. 2 in the middle of a practice quit then join JAL. 3 chaos king. 4 chaos king. 5 chaos king. 6 chaos king. Get the picture? Top that.

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Best blaster in old school



if it makes you feel any better... all of jimmay's recruite to OS have been really really bad. 1 they stole our io's. 2 in the middle of a practice quit then join JAL. 3 chaos king. 4 chaos king. 5 chaos king. 6 chaos king. Get the picture? Top that.

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@Shini - Leader/Contact

@Askani' Rokur - Leader
@B E E - Leader
@Matchez; @Outsourced1 - Leader

@Arbegla; @Adeptus
@Black Barrier; @Blackbarrier
@Dr. Who
@Jenn Lover
@Max the Ninja; @New Age Terminator; @Shozi2; @Max4
@Meldash; @Soul Inferno
@Noonian Soonf1
@Pink; @Pink 110
@Stoned Up

@Wasp Bane; @Wasp Bane II



Say what you want.
I did not join Renegades because they were the better team. If you want evidence of this, then look at my hero SG: Paragon Elite. I didn't choose to join them because I expect them to be #1, but because they were making an honest effort to better themselves and become the best PvP team they could be. They are organized, and even though we lose sometimes, the experience is enjoyable.

I joined Renegades for a few reasons:

#1) As Raz said, I knew quite a few of the people in there.
#2) I do like all of you in UJL, but frankly, I don't see you guys going anywhere fast. You're recruiting anybody you can, and you can barely scrounge the numbers for practices. I understand that your members are busy, but I didn't see the dedication there. During the last few practices, everything was completely hectic on vent, and I'm looking for a more organized experience. I mean, come on. Barrier was WHINING because he didn't want to play a toon that was going to get knocked back. I am looking for a more organized PvP experience like those I've recieved in other SGs in the past, and if I'm paying 15 bucks a month to play this game, I'm going to go for what I think will give me the most enjoyment.
#3) Frankly, you didn't exactly try and stop me from leaving. When I first talked to Shini about the possibility of joining Renegades, she was all "Yeah, whatever, I don't care." You didn't even make an effort to try and keep me. I know leading a top-tier VG is difficult, but you need to try and keep the members you have.
#4) If you want your IOs back, then I'll give them back. I don't really care. I'll spec them all out and put them back if you're really concerned about that.
#5) To be perfectly honest, I wasn't having fun. I didn't join UJL to win. I was expecting an organized, enjoyable PvP experience, and that is not what I received, so forgive me if I joined without knowing what to expect.

It was never my intention to use or abuse you guys, and if I gave off that notion, I apologize. When I joined UJL, I knew absolutely nothing about the villain game. I knew nothing about the villain ladder, and I basically applied to the first group that I saw. I did not get the experience I was hoping for, and after a few weeks of looking around, decided to join a group that would give me that experience.

If there is any way I can make it up to you guys, I will do that. I apologize for the time you guys "wasted" with me.

And by the way, barrier: I made another fortunata build, so don't worry about it.



I mean, come on. Barrier was WHINING because he didn't want to play a toon that was going to get knocked back.

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brb rolling on my half-SO'd toon on test. kthnx.

how about no?



And by the way, barrier: I made another fortunata build, so don't worry about it.

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want a cookie?



Pretty sure you were whining about new people stealing your builds.



Pretty sure you were whining about new people stealing your builds.

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more bothered about the waste of an hour with you.



Pretty sure you were whining about new people stealing your builds.

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more bothered about the waste of an hour with you.

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Fair enough. Sorry I can't give you your hour back. Feel free to take any IOs back you want from me. I don't really care.



Barrier's builds are good..its not like he gets farmed with them or anything....



Barrier's builds are good..its not like he gets farmed with them or anything....

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myk farmed me in that ujl vs. vrc match.



I don't have a villian



I did not join Renegades because they were the better team. If you want evidence of this, then look at my hero SG: Paragon Elite.

[/ QUOTE ]lol



I did not join Renegades because they were the better team. If you want evidence of this, then look at my hero SG: Paragon Elite.

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Wow chiz ura dick, thats hot.