Whoops, hiding the topic title




Here is my version of one very funky character.

I really dig her facial make-up.

Hope this does her justice.




Very funky Juggy! Nice.



WHOA! Awesomeness! That is just, wow! Really spectacular, especially the lightning effect and the everything about it!




Are those ears or thumbs up?

Thanks guys.

Can ya even tell that I actually had some inks on this? lol - It's kind of dark.



Hey Juggs, about how long does your average piece take to create?



Probably my favorite of yours so far. Very cool and sexy.



Are those ears or thumbs up?

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That my large axe swinging art drawing friend is the highly coveted DOTU ((Double Otter Thumbs Up)). =^_^= So, nope, not ears. >_>

=. .=



Are those ears or thumbs up?

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That my large axe swinging art drawing friend is the highly coveted DOTU ((Double Otter Thumbs Up)). =^_^= So, nope, not ears. >_>

=. .=

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LOL, I thought they were ears as well. I'll never get used to the ascii pictures.



Can ya even tell that I actually had some inks on this? lol - It's kind of dark.

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Honestly, yes and no. I didn't really look hard until after you mentioned the inks. I did notice them, but didn't think of them as the inks. >_< Then again, meh arts skillz are teh weaksauce so I just plain don't notice that kind of thing. It looked great (probably my favourite one out of all your art Juggy) and to me that is all that matters. The technical aspects escape me.

=. .=



Are those ears or thumbs up?

[/ QUOTE ]

That my large axe swinging art drawing friend is the highly coveted DOTU ((Double Otter Thumbs Up)). =^_^= So, nope, not ears. >_>

=. .=

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LOL, I thought they were ears as well. I'll never get used to the ascii pictures.

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And you call yourself an artist, Pfft. .... I can't believe I just said that to the guy who drew the Serra Angel. =O_O=!!!



Juggy, this is PERFECT. You captured exactly what I was looking for. This is going to be a gift for my husband's birthday coming up in November (it is his main character). He is going to love it. I love what you did with her pose and her hands, and the lightning, too. Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for an awesome piece of art.

Hopefully my husband doesn't wander in here and see it early...
He never really visits this forum so I think we are safe.



Whoops! Ok, title changed just to make sure.

If he sees this... I OWE ya big time k.

Glad to hear ya like it though Quick.

Gill: This one took about 5-6 hours. It's hard to say because I had to come at the sketch a number of times. The ones for my Virtue Verse take a lot less. Usually under 3 hours.



Who's the weird Dr. Doom wannabee in the second row on the left?



Very awesome Lovin' that pose.



Who's the weird Dr. Doom wannabee in the second row on the left?

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Meh, who knows...

He must have been channeling stan Lee when he designed that thing.



Whoops! Ok, title changed just to make sure.

If he sees this... I OWE ya big time k.

Glad to hear ya like it though Quick.

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Thanks for changing the title. Like I said, he doesn't really browse here but there's always a chance he will take a peek.



Who's the weird Dr. Doom wannabee in the second row on the left?

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he looks like some kinda Art Tart.

Nice work Juggs!

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Are those ears or thumbs up?

[/ QUOTE ]

That my large axe swinging art drawing friend is the highly coveted DOTU ((Double Otter Thumbs Up)). =^_^= So, nope, not ears. >_>

=. .=

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d<^_^>b *adds squirrelthumbs too*

<^,^> I can haz opposable digits?

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



lol @ new topic-title

... If only DA would let me see it. I cannot open any pages on DA atm >< It better be a productive maintenance, DA!

*edit* oooooh, looking wicked

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt | RobotSouls.com



Yeah, DA's been bugging me today too.



I thought I'd post the lines up for it as well.



Commented on dA, but I'll say it here too. As much as I like the color version, I love this one more. The beauty of the piece is well-captured in the stark black-and-white.

Art (NSFW)