New webcomic promo screenie
Definitely Super Zero.
I thought so, too.
By the way, does anyone have any advice about where I could get free hosting and domain names? I'd like to have this comic hosted on it's own site rather that go through Hypercomics or CoH comics.
Unfortunately, I don't know much about building a website, so I'm kind of stuck here with 20 pages of comics with more ideas on the way, and I don't really have a way to share them with you, the adoring public.
Go on, adore.
Do it!
Ok, we'll get back to that, try again later. Anyway, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like it might be promising, but that screenie looks too dark to me.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Looks like it might be promising, but that screenie looks too dark to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I actually took several daytime screens too, and for some reason I chose to go with this one. Maybe I'll go back and redo it with a lighter one.
Just thought I'd go ahead and point this out since some people seem to have missed it:
Life As A Super-Zero
all comics are made with in-game screenies and no demo-edits or photoshops
[/ QUOTE ]
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Photoshop, I think it's great. I just happen to suck at using it. I'm not very artistic, which is why I'm glad that CoX has so many emotes that allow the player to roleplay and animate their character beyond the simple attacks.
I was hoping to show just how versatile the game itself is. Over time, I may eventually try Photoshop or demo-editing, but they seem a little too over my head at this point. Especially demo-editing. Yeesh.
Oh, I also forgot to ask if anyone knows how to convert the Comic Book Creator files into jpegs, or some other format to use on a website?
I can't even get them to convert into PDFs. Though I think I just need to install some other part of the CBC. Any help?
Life As A Super-Zero
I know City of Heroes webcomics have been done before, and since the Hypercomics contest they've been... well, done to death. But I've been a long time webcomics fan, and I've finally decided to take the plunge and create one of my own. This will follow the typical one page per day (or week, whatever) format and continue on for as long as I can do it. Think of it as similar to City of Zeroes or PJ Chronicles, except it's written by me and all comics are made with in-game screenies and no demo-edits or photoshops.
So far I've got 20 pages made up, but I'm not ready to start posting. I still need a website and a way to get the dang comic out of the Comic Book Creator format... without paying money (I'm unbearably cheap). Anyway, just wanted to post this promo photo of the protagonist, Captain Zero, a new hero in town who has control over Gravity.
The comic is sort of a parody of City of Heroes, instead of taking place in Paragon City, it's set in Paradise City. Instead of fighting villains like the Hellions, these thugs are called the Hecklers. Instead of Dr. Vahzilok, we have the demented dentist Dr. Vasoline.
Anyway, I'm still figuring a few things out, but I wanted some feedback from you guys since I've been lurking around forever and just now started getting active. The title of the comic is still uncertain. Should it be Life as a Super-Zero, Life as a Super-Hero, Life As An Uber-Hero, or Uber-Zero... Can't quite decide. Anyway, before I ramble too long... oh, I already have.