Looking for an artist...




Hello folks, I'm looking for an artist

When I started playing CoH some 3 years ago I created the character of Zikar, as the years have gone by I've developed his character to the point where I've actually moved his "official" story out of the CoH universe and into it's own.

Anyway, basically, I want to tell this story, I have a ten page script, but I don't have the motivation to actually commit to putting it all on 'paper' . So I was wondering if anyone out there in the forums would be interested in doing the art for the comic.

Of course, I'm not expecting anyone to do it for the heck of it... but I believe such discussion isn't allowed on the forum

Anyway, if you're interested or just have questions, please feel free to post/send a PM and I'll get back to you



10 pages?!

I'd love the challenge, but not sure I'm up for it time wise.

Good luck Zikar!






No one else?

I'm unloved



Have you tried Deviant Art? You could try posting on the job offers forums there or just browsing on your own.



Have you tried Deviant Art? You could try posting on the job offers forums there or just browsing on your own.

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And you might wanna considering thinking up a good prize-tag, because 10 pages is not easily done

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt | RobotSouls.com



Have you tried Deviant Art? You could try posting on the job offers forums there or just browsing on your own.

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And you might wanna considering thinking up a good prize-tag, because 10 pages is not easily done

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Prize Tag?



Like Lazer tag but instead of guns you throw colorfully wrapped boxes at people. ^_^



Like Lazer tag but instead of guns you throw colorfully wrapped boxes at people. ^_^

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I'm not going to promise anything, it depends on how busy my month is next month, but I can take a look at your script if you want.